Is the world really not worth it?

Caterina 2022-11-16 16:23:19

Cool piece! It's cool to watch Indian movies, but it's really just obscenity. After watching it, you can see that there is no such hero in reality. It's really disappointing. It seems that each of us can only be our own hero. The end of the film seems cool, but it's actually quite sad. The police, who are the guardians of justice, have absolutely no way to deal with the villain. In the end, they can only deal with the villain by using illegal methods and the villain's way of doing evil. Although the method is neither good nor evil, this behavior is on the surface no different from a villain. It seems that this is not just a problem of the system, is human nature so despicable? Is the world really not worth it? When I was a child, I felt that I had a promising future and unlimited potential. As long as I worked hard, it was natural to want to do great things in the future. The most naive thing is to grow up to be a super official, and then settle all the injustices and return a beautiful and harmonious world. society. Gradually grow up, everyone tells you that you should not be delusional, making more money is the right way, and you can really do whatever you want with money. No matter how you grow up, people will tell you, no, the whole society is directly or indirectly telling you to recognize the reality: no matter how hard you work, you can only end up being an exploited wage earner, an employee without status, because of your background No, from the day you were born, your life trajectory, your destiny, and your social status have been determined, and you are destined to not be able to stand out, no matter what your talent is. Gradually, you really want to accept the so-called "reality", and you don't want to work hard more and more, because they say that hard work is meaningless. And then you become more and more mourned, more and more living the way they prophesied, and they are happy to see that they are right. . . Even seeing people like you will make you feel very happy, because you don't have to care about yourself anymore, you can now "cherish each other" with others , and then you are even more mourned. But have you ever thought that you are actually living the way they want you to live under the inducement and insinuation of the vested interests? As a vested interest, of course they don't want you to break through the shackles of life, break through yourself, and then share the benefits they are enjoying, so they must destroy you, from the will, from the values, from the outlook on life, step by step to lead you to them In the cage you designed, let you work for them obediently without any resentment towards them, and continue to let them exploit you! So, my friends, cheer up, don’t be sad, don’t care if the world is worth it, you don’t fight, you don’t try to see the world in person, how do you know if the world is worth it? Has anyone told you to be right? If so, then let me tell you, the human world is infinitely beautiful, there is no evil in the human world, and the human world is extremely pure, why don't you believe me? In the end, you have to see it for yourself to know if the world is worth it. So cheer up, fight hard, give it a try, life is just like this once, why should you lose the past? Take a bet on your life that you thought was meaningless, read, learn, practice, fight, and fight alongside those who are fighting against vested interests! The human world should not be just a human world for those with vested interests, the human world is a human world for everyone! We don't want to be mourned, we want to enjoy this world! Nibbling, from the film review to the thinking in the recent period of time. I am also a "victim" of mourning culture. I have been hiding in shells all the time. I am also a dead fat house, but the talents given to me by my parents are still there, and I still have the ability to think. I have read a lot of books, and I realize this The world is not what "they" say, so I want to go out into the sun, to fight, to sweat, to fight for what I deserve, even if I end up dead, because I hate "them", I hate "them", and more Look down on "them", "they" are not worthy of the same species as me, only people who help each other and share this world are worthy! Isn't the world worth it? I'd better take a look at it for myself! Not worthy of the same species as me, only people who help each other and share this world are worthy! Isn't the world worth it? I'd better take a look at it for myself! Not worthy of the same species as me, only people who help each other and share this world are worthy! Isn't the world worth it? I'd better take a look at it for myself!

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