The stew under the gorgeous coat

Winifred 2022-09-15 18:16:16

It's like this, this work must be judged in two ways, no, it's three - Batman fans, Robot Wars fans, Batman and Robot Wars fans... Why, first of all, this work is also a trick. Batman's coat of arms swords and halberds...cannot represent any Batman's worldview. The Arkham faction characters in it all have their IQs dropped, especially the death knell, and even the force value has dropped? ? ? Then, what is the group battle of the master's family? Rely on a group of monkeys and bats to be strong and powerful! I couldn't believe my eyes at the time... Then as a robot fan, I couldn't feel the steel feeling. Some of them just looked weird? ? ? Things are fighting. As fans of the two, it is a hodgepodge of unknown reasons. In fact, this film can be said to be a ninja tofu man fighting a perverted spicy crayfish monster... It's OK, there will be no problem... The mentally retarded plot can still make people watch it, Then there must be something remarkable. First of all, this work... The style of painting is not generally good, really, it is so gorgeous that it is unimaginable, not only sighing that Japan has enough budget to make things, but really can do whatever they want, the character background fights in mirrors, watch It's pleasing to the eye and trembling...especially the middle one...surreal (no spoilers) This picture can be given five stars...but it has dragged the plot back...hey, I was looking forward to it...

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Batman Ninja quotes

  • Catwoman: Time for some girl-on-girl action!

  • Catwoman: Harley Quinn could use a good ass kicking.