Writing and writing so much, the little lady with toad face wins the race

Clay 2022-12-23 19:28:55

Taking the eve of the First World War as the background, Freund, who was unhappy in his life, wanted to escape from the real world, and chose to go to the isolated island to be the weather stationmaster, clear his mind, and start a new life. After going to the island, he met the lighthouseman Gruner. The unfriendly Gruner has already laid the groundwork for what will happen. Sure enough, something called a miracle happened. A murloc with blue ice skin appeared. This new species wanted to attack Freund as soon as it came out. Under the care of the protagonist's halo, they escaped from death in two nights. . The weather station burned down, and Freund found out that Gruner had a murloc by his side. After that, Freund joined the lighthouse guard battle. With the development of the plot, Freund gradually understood the murloc attack. Their purpose, but also developed feelings for the female fish-man Aniris. Just as the truth was slowly being unveiled, Gruner couldn't stand the order he established and his own island being trampled on, and killed a little murloc, and things took a turn for the worse. Gruner got into a fight, and just as Gruner picked up the axe to hack Freund, Freund called out Gruner's true identity: "Eldo Vigeland, he's not a murderer." This sentence Then Gruner (Gruner retrieved himself from the mental cage, he turned out to be Eldor Vigeland, the missing weather station chief) completely collapsed, and as a loser, he single-handedly created it. The world that belongs to him is this small island, and the spiritual pillar of his struggle is that all the order and rules here are determined by him alone. Just like Freund wants to leave Gruner is not allowed, because Freund is already a member of his system, he does not allow anyone in his system to leave, even if it is a female fish, as long as she is in the lighthouse , he will continue to fight with other murlocs. In fact, his fierce battle with other murlocs is more like a battle of love and hatred. Both sides are very entangled, or Gruner's last sentence is only: "love, love, love." Then he chose to go out and die, because the female fish People have left him and will not come back, so what is the meaning of everything he established! ! ! Perhaps before Freund, Gruner and Eneris did fall in love, or Aniris would stay by his side and watch his own kind die for her every night. This also shows that The mind of a woman in love is not clear. For the sake of a female fishman, the two sides fought so hard that they would not hesitate to abandon order and everything they had. They had already lost their minds mentally, and it could be said that there was only chaos in the end.

At the end of the film, Freund became Gruner when others discovered it, but Aniris returned to the ocean, everything calmed down again, only the mental chaos continued...

The whole film is indeed much better than "The Shape of Water". The image of the murloc is also more stylish than the murloc in The Shape of Water. It is more like a miniature version of Avatar. Toad face, this name is hard! ! ! The plot is also an upgraded version, which is much better than The Shape of Water. That is the old girl who was madly flirting with Erba, who was abandoned and went to the mountain alone; this is the condensed version of Avatar with the old man's cart, and the younger brother is in the years. In the baptism, I want to occupy the little lady with toad face! ! !

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Cold Skin quotes

  • Gruner: Fucking toad spy, how dare you leave me, how dare you leave me

    Gruner: You figured me out, I came to the ass end of the world to get famous

  • Friend: We are on a tiny island of what we know, surrounded by an ocean of what we don't