Straight men and gay men hug each other and cry because of home renovation?

Paxton 2022-10-10 12:36:54

I heard that there is a reality show that is very popular recently, and many of you who love to be fashionable should have watched it. This well-received reality show is "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" (formerly known as "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy") produced by Netflix. "). As the name suggests, each episode of the show will find a heterosexual male with special living habits and less emphasis on appearance. Five cute little gays "Fab 5" (Sparkling Five) will style him, make up, hair, diet, etc. Psychological and home improvement.

▲ The shining group "Fab 5" includes Bobby who is in charge of interior design, Karamo who teaches cultural psychology, Antoni who teaches wine and food (the most... handsome?), and Jonathan who teaches beauty and hair. (Long-haired boy) and Tan (white-haired boy) who is in charge of clothing styling.

Since Cue has come to the house, it is very unreasonable not to live and join in the fun. We have selected three of the more exciting episodes to talk to the Sumitomos, let's take a look at how these 5 gay men help straight men out of the predicament of life, and how to transform their homes


- Lonely otaku in the late stages of procrastination-

Transformed: Neal (Episode 2)

Life problems: procrastination, loneliness, lack of self-confidence

Neal, who lives in Atlanta, is an Indian-born otaku. He doesn't like socializing, he doesn't like getting along with people, he never invites friends over to his house, and of course he doesn't have a girlfriend. He hides behind his long hair and beard. The only close companion is his pet dog at home.

▲ He also has a very accurate understanding of himself.

Even with such a sloppy appearance, Neal is actually a partner in a programming company and a programming genius. Due to work, he needs to hold a launch event for a new app recently, which means he needs to invite a lot of people to his home. After being entrusted, Fab 5 and his party immediately came to Neal's house.

Question 1: Out-of-season festive decorations

There's nothing wrong with the hard decoration of the room, but due to Neal's serious procrastination, the room is littered with clutter that he's left without storage, and there are Christmas decorations that have long passed on the closet in the distance. .

Question 2: Old wall and sofa + bulky coffee table

The sofa in the living room has lost its elasticity due to years of use, and the seat cushion and backrest have been deformed. Coupled with the pier-shaped leather coffee table, it looks bulky and crowded.

Problem 3: A mountain of computer hosts occupies the restaurant

The restaurant, which has not been taken care of at all, is full of broken computer monitors and mainframes, covered with dust. The bare glass and empty white walls reveal a strong sense of "temporary".

Problem 4: Stained bathroom

The bathroom had never been cleaned and had yellow stains and musty spots on the floor and walls.

▲ Question 5: Dog hair everywhere

Also due to Neal's procrastination, the dog hair was never cleaned. As long as someone passes through the dog hair, it will fly all over the sky and attach to the woven household items such as sofas and carpets, which is very easy to cause blockage of the respiratory tract and allergies.

Fab 5 Comments:

In getting along with Neal, Fab 5 gradually learned that the reason why Neal closed himself up like this, wore the same clothes, and maintained the same living habits, was because he was extremely insecure. Familiar surroundings make him feel relaxed, so he is terrified of change. Fab 5 took him to taste delicious food, tried boxing, changed his style, gradually opened his heart, and the transformed Neal was almost unrecognizable.

▲ Neal, who has been remodeled, is completely different from the long-haired "wild man" in front of him.

Renovation highlight 1: Replace old-fashioned furniture

The original indescribable sofa has been replaced by a simple gray, with blue throw pillows and rugs, it looks simple and refreshing.

Renovation highlight 2: It is more neat to paint the cabinets black

All the cabinets were painted black, the overall texture of the kitchen became higher, and the color of the original floor became more prominent.

Renovation Highlight 3: Create a photo wall

A photo wall was created on the original bare wall, which enriched the vision and made the home much warmer.

Renovation highlight 4: Purchase a sweeping robot

Since dog hair is difficult to clean, Fab 5 purchased a robot vacuum for Neal, which makes cleaning much easier.

Renovation highlight 5: Repainting the walls

The original brick wall is actually not ugly, but the color is slightly dull. Fab 5 repainted the walls and painted them in black and white stripes, creating an interesting visual effect and brightening the room.


- Tired father of 6 kids-

Transformed: Bobby (Episode 5)

Life problems: too much stress in life, hoarding addiction, fear of trouble

Bobby is the father of six children, and his wife cannot afford work and housework due to physical reasons, so Bobby alone takes on the burden of the family. The heavy pressure not only caused him to have no time to take care of himself, but also caused him to be afraid of trouble. There is a lack of discipline for the six children, and the chaos at home is comparable to the scene of a nuclear explosion.

▲ Bobby who said "I'm tired, I want to lie down" in his eyes.

Problem 1: Hoarding of old things

Due to the worrying economic situation, Bobby's front hall is piled up with all kinds of old things that he is reluctant to throw away.

Problem 2: The dining room and living room are crowded together

Because the front hall is occupied by old things, the living room of the house also assumes the function of the dining room, so the small space and the dining table are extremely crowded.

Problem 3: There is little storage space in the kitchen

Bobby's kitchen has only very basic facilities, and there are only two shelves for the storage space, so the whole space is very messy.

Problem 4: The bathroom space is too small

The small bathroom has to be used by eight people, and the toiletries are often mixed up, which is very inconvenient.

Problem 5: Insufficient storage space for clothes

Most of the storage space in Bobby's house is used by children, resulting in nowhere to store his clothes, so he can only throw them on the bed, and clean clothes and dirty clothes are all mixed together.

Fab 5 Comments:

Considering the economic situation of Bobby's home, Fab 5 has chosen many practical and inexpensive items for the renovation of Bobby and Bobby's home. And guide him to break up, provide him with some suggestions for educating his children, and let him spread out his pressure little by little. At the end of the transformation, Bobby said that even if those life problems still exist, he already knows how to deal with them.

▲ After the transformation, Bobby gave his wife an unforgettable wedding.

Renovation highlight 1: empty the old things and change the front hall into a living room

After a large-scale separation, the space in the front room was vacated, and Fab 5 changed the well-lit front room into the living room of the home.

Renovation highlight 2: Corner sofa

Bobby's family has a large population, and the long-shaped corner sofa will not occupy too much space, and it can also satisfy the whole family to sit around at the same time, enhancing the family atmosphere.

Renovation highlight 3: cabinet building

The kitchen has been completely refurbished, not only creating a complete set of cabinets including wall cabinets, but also adding sideboards to solve the storage problem of the kitchen

Renovation Highlight 4: Leave the primary color of the beams

When painting all the living room, the beams were deliberately left. The original wood color is matched with the freshly brushed white to make the space more layered. Coupled with the string lights, it is full of bohemian style.

Renovation Highlight 5: Housework Memo

In order to encourage children to help their parents share the housework, Fab 5 also made a reminder wall of housework memos. Every child can get a corresponding medal as long as they do any housework, so as to achieve an incentive effect.


- Addicted to the sad black guy-

Transformed: Remington (Episode 6)

Life Problems: Emotional Dilemma Addicted to Fitness

Remington lived with his grandmother, who died a few years ago, and the nostalgia for her led him to refuse to change everything in the house, including the very feminine lace and satin. Deep down in his heart, he felt that making a change was choosing to forget, and he would rather leave these old things as a nostalgia for his grandmother. Not only that, he is addicted to fitness, and he only consumes a large amount of high-protein food that has been mashed into a paste in his diet. He never enjoys the taste of food, and his overall senses are approaching numbness. How will Fab 5 transform this sad straight man?

▲ Remington, who is rough on the outside but very sensitive on the inside.

Problem 1: Exaggerated interior decoration

The furnishings and decorations in the house were all done by my grandmother in the 1970s. The colors and shapes are very exaggerated. The fluorescent carpets and curtains are matched with pastoral furniture, and there is a feeling of a sitcom set.

Question 2: The overall style of the kitchen is too old-fashioned

The kitchen cabinets and wall wood finishes all use dark wood planks, making the room dark and old-fashioned. Fluorescent yellow dining tables and chairs are also very "spicy eyes".

Problem 3: Home accessories are too feminine

Lace, satin, and bead curtains are heavily used in the room, which are feminine accessories, which are very unsuitable for young men to live in (and to bring girls home).

Question 4: Overall aging and damage of furniture

All the furniture in the house are old things from the 1970s. Many years of use have caused a lot of deformation and damage. Continued use will not only affect the comfort, but also cause many safety hazards.

Fab 5 Comments:

Facing Remington's psychological predicament, Fab 5 visited a large number of Remington's relatives and friends to learn about his past and the reasons for the current situation. They chatted with Remington, coached him, and showed him the possibility of an alternative way of life. At the end of the transformation, Remington finally let go of his paranoia, with nostalgia for his relatives in his heart, and at the same time began a new life.

▲ The transformed Remington has become lively and laughable.

Renovation highlight 1: Use furniture with simple shapes and soft colors

After replacing the exaggerated furniture in a house, the newly installed furniture has simple lines and softer colors. Because my grandmother likes murals, I replaced the previous "Coconut Island Style" mural with a Cuban-style street, which is also a tribute to my grandmother.

Renovation Highlight 2: A large number of green plants are added

In the renovation of the new home, Fab 5 used a lot of green plants as the decoration of the house. This not only reminds Remington of his hometown of Cuba, but also makes the room full of life. Regular watering can also cultivate Remington's sense of responsibility.

Renovation highlight 3: Renovation of old things

For Remington's reluctance to let go of the old family's belongings, Fab 5 has carried out a series of renovations and transformations - repainting, replacing the matte black hardware, keeping the old grandma's old things without appearing feminine.

Renovation highlight 4: Change the wood veneer of the kitchen to tiles and marble

The dark wood veneer in the kitchen was completely removed and replaced with white tiles and marble. The room looks brighter and easier to clean.

Renovation Highlight 5: Add more homeowners’ own preferences

The remodeled bedroom has added more of Remington's favorite colors and accessories, such as gray bedding, Cuban-inspired decorative paintings, rattan lampshades... This home is now more like Remington's own home than grandma's.

▲ Bobby and Remington embracing each other after the renovation.

In fact, in addition to these seemingly superficial transformations, "Fanxiong Rescue" also explores many deeper issues: culture, the collision of ideas and "how to become a better self". It has nothing to do with occupation, skin color, religion, or sexual orientation. After all, each of us will face one kind of predicament, and we all need to be "pulled" in time, and living a good life within our ability is a belief that each of us needs to follow.

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