I haven't seen a woman for three years, and I feel pretty when I see a sow

Bailee 2022-11-06 21:38:20

Since both the male protagonist and the lighthouseman belong to the British Royal Navy, the rifles used are naturally Lee-Enfield rifles, but it is very strange that the male protagonist and the lighthouseman in the film obviously use Spanish 7mm Mauser 1893 rifles, while At the end of the film, the Navy is carrying a veritable Li's short rifle. I don't know how to explain it...
As a Chinese saying goes, "I haven't seen a woman for three years, and I feel pretty when I see a sow."
In September 1914, in pursuit of tranquility, British meteorologists were voluntarily dispatched to a desolate island near the Antarctic to observe the strength and direction of the sea breeze... When
they arrived at their destination, the kind captain accompanied the meteorologists to the island to find the weather. Station Master Eldo Vigeland... However, the weather station cabin is empty and dusty...
Find the Navy Lighthouse, see Yixi streaking half-mad Navy Lighthouse Technician Granner, and ask him about the weather station The news of the captain, Eldor Vigeland, Granner said he died of illness... When Granner asked the two for tobacco and other supplies, the two were dismissive... The
captain thought it was unsafe here and advised the meteorologist The family left with the boat, but the meteorologist insisted on staying in pursuit of a peaceful life...
After cleaning the wooden house, the meteorologist looked through the weather log of Eldo Vigeland and found that his wife Madame Vigland was in it. There are pictures of mermaid monsters on the back pages of the log, and the words "Darwin is wrong", "Can't fall in love with lizards", etc. are written next to them...
At night, the meteorologist heard a knock on the door and thought it was Grand Na, it turned out to be a mermaid monster... After the meteorologist stabbed the mermaid monster, the monster escaped... After
discovering that there were dangerous monsters on the island, the male protagonist was frightened and asked Granner to take refuge in the lighthouse, but Granner refused... ...So, the male protagonist returned to the wooden house to build a defense, and piled firewood, waste books, and sprinkled gasoline in front of the door... When the doors and windows were nailed, the male protagonist found a rifle and a lot of bullets in a wooden box...
At night, the wooden house was attacked by a large number of mermaid monsters... After the male protagonist shot and killed a large number of monsters, he still couldn't repel the attack, so he threw a torch and ignited the firewood in front of the door, but unfortunately, while the flames scare away the monsters, the spreading fire also Set fire to the wooden house... The male protagonist rushed out of the fire door to escape. Fortunately, the heavy rain extinguished the fire, but the wooden house that destroyed the door had no defense function... The
male protagonist saw that Granner went to the flood of spring water, and quietly took a rifle and wanted to shoot it. Granner captures the lighthouse. Unexpectedly, before the male protagonist fired, a female mermaid suddenly appeared next to him, and pushed the rifle away to save Granner... In order to save the female mermaid, Granner voluntarily put down the gun and claimed that the female monster would not hurt anyone; In order to take refuge in the lighthouse, the Lord agreed to share ammunition, food and other supplies with him... So, Granner accepted the male protagonist and lived in the lighthouse together... At
night, monsters rushed to the lighthouse like a tide to attack, but the male protagonist was attacked by monsters. The battle was intimidated to the ground... The male protagonist's weakness was despised by Granner, - If you want to get a place in the lighthouse, you must be able to resist monster attacks, - Granner gave the male protagonist one last chance, and the male protagonist ushered in the top of the tower The bloody gift of fighting alone...
After that, the male protagonist and Granner fought side by side, fighting monster attacks every night, and resting and sleeping after the monster retreated at dawn... During this period, the male protagonist found that Granner and the female mermaid often had sex and sex...
Male The master wanted to fire a signal flare when he found a boat passing by, but was forcibly stopped by Granner. He claimed that he hated the so-called "civilized" world... When Granner abused the female mermaid, the man stood up to stop it; the mermaid was grateful to the man and led the man The master found a wooden boat... Granner said that the wooden boat belonged to the Portuguese merchant ship that smuggled explosives. After the merchant ship sank, the Portuguese rowed the wooden boat to the shore, but were attacked by monsters...
The male protagonist suggested to salvage the explosives and set up an ambush to catch the monsters... ...At first Granner was reluctant, but when he saw the male protagonist having sex with the mermaid, the jealous Granner agreed to the male protagonist's plan... When the male protagonist was wearing a diving suit and scouring the sea for explosives, Granner was Taking the opportunity not to fill the male lead with air; at the time of the crisis, the female mermaid swam over and opened the diving suit for the male lead.
Set up an ambush, blow up the strange mermaid, and the female mermaid escaped... Then, the male protagonist unintentionally flipped through Granner's wallet and found that there was a photo of his marriage with Mrs. Wigrad, and the male protagonist immediately knew what he meant by it. The Granner is actually Eldo Vigeland, the weather station manager, and the real Granner is likely to be assassinated by him...
Then, the male protagonist sees the female mermaid on the beach with a cub to show a truce and reconciliation, but The jealous Eldor shot and killed the cub and forced the female mermaid to return to the lighthouse... The angry male protagonist returned to the lighthouse to fight with Eldor, and shouted "Eldor is the murderer"... Eldor Duo stumbled out of the lighthouse and was torn up by angry monsters...
After the first war, the British Royal Navy landed on the island and asked the male protagonist about the weather station chief. The male protagonist who pretended to be "Granner" claimed that the weather station chief was sick and died. ...

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Cold Skin quotes

  • Gruner: Fucking toad spy, how dare you leave me, how dare you leave me

    Gruner: You figured me out, I came to the ass end of the world to get famous

  • Friend: We are on a tiny island of what we know, surrounded by an ocean of what we don't