Save the straight man!

Ophelia 2022-10-01 13:07:34

During the Spring Festival this year, I went home to celebrate the New Year, and by the way, I regularly participated in the reunion of primary and secondary school classmates. The mood was the same as when you attended the class reunion, which was very complicated.

Seeing the girls become more beautiful one by one, and watching the boys rush to the label of "greasy middle age".

They used to be the same loose school uniforms, but there is not much difference between wearing them on the body. They are all so pure and cute. After graduation, when they enter the workplace, whether women are active or passive, they almost always start to learn makeup and skin care, while men are more He will ask himself a question - "Iron-blooded man, do you dress like a man?"

IMHO, men also need to have a self-management of their image. If you don’t believe me, you can watch this reality show that Netflix just released——

Fanxiong Rescue

After this reality show was translated, it had a translated name of "shape (jian), like (dan), life (cu), and move (bao) - "Transformation of Straight Men".

Because the content of this reality show is that five gay guys will save a straight man who doesn't pay attention to his appearance in each episode.

This TV show, which was originally called "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy", started as early as 2003, before the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States.

Why did the idea of ​​making this show come about? Producer David Collins said that one day he was watching an art exhibition in a gallery, but he bumped into a woman who kept criticizing her husband's "straight male aesthetic" and why he couldn't be with him. The group of bright comrades on the opposite side cleaned up like the group of comrades did not expect, but they were heard by the group of comrades, so they came to her husband to provide him with styling advice. Seeing this scene, the small light bulb above David's head turned on, and he decided to do such a show as soon as he slapped his forehead.

△ 2003 version of "Fanxiong Rescue"

Later, the original version of "Fan Xiong Rescue" was discontinued in 2007, and it was not until this year that Netflix picked up the project again, omitting the title "for the Straight Guy" and changing it to "Queer Eye". male.

Because not all straight guys are sloppy, and not all gay guys are that dazzling.

In addition, five young and fashionable gay men have been replaced as hosts. Like the original, he is responsible for a man's image management from the inside out, including hairstyle, clothing, home, diet and temperament.

Each of them is beautiful, handsome and cute, and while taunting the thorns of straight men's aesthetics, they are warm like a little angel.


The hair section is in charge of Beyonce, a self-proclaimed hairdresser, Jonathan.

Don't look at his simple smile like a puppy. I am actually a drama queen. In addition to the hairstyle, I am also responsible for the whole show.

△Okay, that is sooooo gay.

△The play between sisters

Of course, this sister will definitely not let the straight men who have been transformed have long fluttering hair like him. He will give them advice according to everyone's preferences and face shape. I sincerely hope that the hair stylists in the world will Can be as empathetic as he is.

For example, in one episode, the young Indian brother loves growing beards and hair. Going out directly is almost like a primitive person, and the whole person looks dirty.

Hair and face are what determine the first impression someone sees of you, so the most important principle is to look fresh, clean and energetic. So, Jonathan grabbed the knife and cut off all the little brother's hair and beard.

Not everyone with a beard needs to cut it off, though. Because of the face shape of the first guest, he only shortened the guest a little, instead of completely shaved.

△Before trimming

△ After trimming

Beards also need special care oil for maintenance, remember to be a delicate pig boy every day.

Neither of the above examples are particularly obvious, and next we'll see how different the same head would be with a Luke Skywalker haircut and a George Clooney haircut.

△Before trimming

△ After trimming

And, man, don't naively think that you don't need to take care of your inch. Sister Jonathan wants to tell you some great truths about life.

Regarding the hairstyle, cleanliness is the first criterion; protecting the hairstyle at all costs is the second criterion.


People rely on clothes and Buddhas rely on gold clothes. If you feel that your appearance is not enough, then use the taste of clothes to make up.

The person in charge of dressing up is the above Tan, whose "head can be cut off and hairstyle can't be messed up".

"Gay guys have the best taste in clothing." This sentence is too absolute, but it's always right to have a gay guy who knows how to dress for you.

You can’t suddenly make a 180° turn when you change your clothing taste. It also depends on your skin color, body shape, and most importantly, your hobbies. You should jump out of the comfort zone of short sleeves, pants, and slippers, but also make yourself feel comfortable. .

For example, the uncle has reddish skin due to skin disease, so Tan gave him the suggestion to stay away from warm tones and embrace cool ones.

Tan will also take different people to a store that suits their purchasing power according to their economic level. Some people can afford custom suits, so they go for custom suits, and some people can't, they go to the supermarket to buy them.

Anyway, he can find the most suitable clothes for you, because the second most important principle is fit, not dazzling things such as design and material.

Whenever I see a fat person undergoing transformation, my first reaction is, "If you want to look good, you have to lose weight first."

But Tan will tell you with actions that it's okay not to lose weight, as long as you buy the right clothes.

Regarding dressing, you don't need to follow the trend. First, you need to make yourself comfortable, then fit, and finally throw away short sleeves, pants, and slippers.


I thought it was enough to take care of the appearance, but the production team also thoughtfully considered that the house should be kept clean and tidy. After all, how do you bring girls home if the house is a mess?

The home design part is in charge of the cute little Bobby above. In fact, it is quite similar to a residential renovation program such as "Dream Renovation Home", and there will not be too many shows, but the results are often very surprising, and it is also called this The hardest man on the show.

For example, in one episode, a black brother lived in the house left by his dead grandmother. He never thought of remodeling the house, so he kept living in it as it was, and the whole straight man had pink heart-shaped bubbles. Bubble.

△I have seen your girly heart, this brother dei

Under Bobby's wonderful hand, the room became like this-

Completed a soul transformation from a small hotel in a third-tier urban village to an Airbnb housing.

Living in a good environment, people will become spiritual and energetic.


If it is said that hairstyle, clothing, and residence can enhance a person's overall temperament, then why design a link to teach straight men to make a dish.

Is it just to make Antoni, the cutest little gay guy in the world, brush his face?

△Girls without Tintin don't call him husband, boots

In addition to learning to cook the first dish to cultivate a hobby of cooking and keep your body healthy, cooking is also a social charm.

Moreover, for many straight men who don’t like to dress up, what they lack most is confidence. They don’t think that dressing up can change themselves, but to cook a dish for family and friends and complete one thing is precisely the first thing to cultivate self-confidence. step.


The last black guy did something different from the other four. They are responsible for the outside, while he specialises in the inside.

For example, in one episode, it was a gay who didn't dare to come out to his stepmother. He didn't dare to dress up because he was afraid of being seen as gay. In order to enlighten him to face himself bravely, Karamo took him to do physical exercise.

There is a project that jumps down from the sky, and it takes a lot of courage, and Karamo is there to encourage him to go out, to face the fear, to overcome the fear, and to embrace himself.

In the end, he not only completed the transformation of his image, but also came out with his stepmother.

After his stepmother accepted him, in his thirties, he cried like a child, as if all the grievances and hardships he had endured in the past thirty years, every night of tossing and turning and unable to sleep, were all vented at this moment.

While trying to be funny, I also watched people burst into tears. It is no wonder that netizens at station B commented that "watch one episode and cry one episode".

Everyone who doesn't dress up is actually inferior. For example, a guest said at the beginning, "You can't save the ugly."

They feel that they can't dress themselves up, but they are afraid of being discovered by others, so they have to cover up their vulnerability with careless or sloppy looks. That's it.

A person who doesn't believe in himself, even if outsiders teach him how to dress up is useless. He will return to his original shape in a few days. Only by sincerely believing that he can change is the real change.

At last

In addition to transforming the guests in five parts, each episode also incorporates many aspects of the current situation of American society and direct dialogue, which greatly increases the visibility of the entire program.

Because it is a program of gay men transforming straight men, even in the United States where same-sex marriage has been legalized, there are still two worlds between straight and gay. Through each activity, it is also an opportunity to improve straight people's understanding of comrades.

Bobby, who is in charge of the home, asked a deeply religious guest: "What do you think about homosexuality?"

The guest replied with emotion:

"I've heard since childhood that being gay is wrong, maybe you think we're prejudiced, maybe you think we hate gays, but it's not, God told me to love my neighbor."

And many people, including some comrades, refuse to dress up because they think "dressing up is a very sissy thing, and only gays who pay attention to image will dress up".

But they just want to tell you-

"Taking care of your clothes doesn't mean you're a sissy. Caring about your clothes means you have requirements for your quality of life."

That's all.

Why do comrades always seem to dress better? Not because they pursue beauty more, but because they have realized that they don't need to care about other people's eyes, as long as they are brave enough to be themselves, so they will look better.

"Save the straight man!" - Lu Xun

Text丨Vending machine

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