[Character Review] Character analysis of the five-member group: little angels from all over the world gather only to warm the wounded soul

Lysanne 2022-11-02 20:52:11

I especially can't stand the Korean plastic surgery show "Han Beauty", that show only tells you one thing: looks are everything. And "Queer Eye" completely elevates the level of all image-building programs and decoration and renovation programs, which is really heartwarming. The Fab Five walked into each guest's life, learned about their past, got to know their relatives and friends, and listened to their voices. These selected guests are suffering from mental torment, unable to get out by themselves, and they need someone to pull them from a height. When they looked up and saw these 5 people glowing all over their bodies, they reached out their hands to them, and all of them felt the same thing -- an angel descended. Especially the grandfather, Indian brother and talk show actor in the first episode, from their eyes, you can see a soul that has been hit hard by life and is comforted gently. Since then, a soul has been saved. Thanks to the group of 5. Tan is my favorite character, absolutely healing. His job is clothing styling, and his thoughts on style are profound: "I disdain the so-called "fashion", which is something you throw away after wearing it for one season. The style I make is to make every Individuals find a style that suits them, makes them comfortable, confident, and loves themselves more. It also makes their loved ones feel their efforts.” Tan is more chatty than a psychologist because he cares about each other and can put himself in their shoes s pain. He can always grasp the most vulnerable point of the other party in an instant, guide the other party to speak out, and then gently comfort him. After talking to him, you will feel much more relaxed physically and mentally. If I have the opportunity to stand in front of him, I am willing to pour out all my sorrows to him. Jonathan is charismatic and confident. What is commendable is that his eyes are always full of beauty, he can see everyone's advantages, no matter how deep they are hidden, he uses his fanaticism to "force" each other's self-confidence. He never gave cheap sympathy to others. He used his powerful infectious power to pull others out of the abyss and tell them: Stop feeling sorry for yourself! You can sparkle too! Look at me! Look at yourself! Antonie is pure and flawless, kind and lovely, and her sisters can't put it down and can't close their legs. I am very grateful that there is a diet part in this program, because a healthy lifestyle should start with the mouth. If you eat well, you will look good and you will be confident. The black brother Karamo has a perfect human body, with wide shoulders, thin waist, high hips and long legs... His personality is still relatively restrained. Compared with the silly white sweetness of white people, the black brother still has a wall to guard against others. It's only in the second episode with the cops that he actually opens up about racial confrontation. Bobby is a bit of a man of science and technology. His emotions are not expressed in words, but his thoughtful interior design. He has the biggest workload. Every time he remodels the space, he has to chat with the family, their living habits, their family members, their hobbies, etc., so as to create the most reasonable living environment for the family. "We are here, because we care." Touched.

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