clear mind

Bradford 2022-09-19 11:33:53

In 2017, the sci-fi movie " Death Radius | Radius "

The brain hole is good, very clear, and the plot at the beginning is still very attractive. Of course, the unfinished ending is also because of this, too large a brain hole, and the final theme is inexplicably sublimated to the good and evil of human nature. .

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ There are spoilers below.

The beginning of the sci-fi is fascinating. When everyone is thinking about how to deal with this "superpower", the plot has begun to develop in the direction of dog blood. . Of course, I already had such a hunch when I saw the poster. .

The exploration process of memory is lengthy and rhythmical, very dull, making people drowsy, and the final result of brewing is also dumbfounding, thinking about human nature? Professor Yang's victory? If the depth of the excavation is not enough, it may be said that the foundation is not good. This is not called a reversal, but an unfinished end. . .

The husband's part was a real failure. . Whether it's plot design or character performance. .

(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ I can’t make it any longer.

-----I am the dividing line of the black circles---

Recommendation index: ★★☆ (5/10 points), the subject matter is good, but unfortunately I don't like it so much later.

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