"The Murderer of Limehouse": A feminist horror film that can't go down in history, I'd rather be famous, I want to be famous!

Allison 2022-11-11 23:07:22

As we all know, film and television works have always been regarded as the ideological vanguard camp in the field of literature and art.

Throughout this year's popular movies, from the West to the East, the world's most popular masterpieces, whether it is the American "The Handmaid's Tale", "Game of Thrones", the Indian dark horse movie "Wrestling Father", or the domestic just concluded "That Year". "The Flower Blooms and the Moon Is Full"... All these film and television dramas all tell of a mainstream consciousness trend, which represents the changing trend of contemporary ideology, that is, the rise of feminism.

Almost without exception, these works focus on women's stories, pay attention to the growth environment of women's groups, reflect the changes in women's thinking, and call for women's cognitive awakening and struggle for power.

Today, Amway is giving you such a horror film that clearly reflects the consciousness of feminism, called "The Murderer of Limehouse".

I still clearly remember it, the first time I saw in the classic horror film "The Shining", when the heroine swung her axe in the face of the murderer, my heart spontaneously revered for Western women's body and courage. Feelings.

In this film, the director boldly broke through the traditional concept of women's slenderness and timidity, and instead turned into a powerful murderer of serial murders. To be honest, I initially rejected the idea that the murderer was a woman, but then I couldn't help applauding the film's idea.

"The Murderer of Limehouse" expands the awareness of feminism into the field of horror films. The film's portrayal of the murderer subverts our previous understanding of women. The murder motive of the female murderer in the film is straightforward: I can't be famous in history, I'd rather be infamous for thousands of years. In short, I want to be famous! This thirst for fame and fortune became a voice for the awakening of women's consciousness and the struggle for women's rights.

The story begins.

London, England in 1880. The head of the family, John Chris, died. Detectives searched and found that the cause of death was poisoning.

Due to the unfavorable testimony of the maid Evelyn, the murderer directly pointed at the hostess Lisa.

Detective Kildare took over responsibility for the investigation. This is the first time he has been responsible for a murder.

And the city of London is still shrouded in the shadow of the previous "Limehouse Murder" case, a new murder that has caused public excitement.

The murderer has already created five serial killings before. First on the Ratcliffe Highway, killing a family; last week killing a prostitute, Alistair Stanton; before that, the scholar Solomon Weiyi; killing a Jew; and initially two women on the street.

Regardless of status or background information, there is no connection between the murdered, so the public speculates that the person who poisoned John Criss was the serial murderer?

Not only did he kill people, but the murderer also left a message at the scene, "The blood he shed is no less than the pain he suffered."

According to this sentence, the detective found that it came from a book. Through the investigation of the notes, the detective initially identified four suspects. .

In the beginning, Detective Kildare went to listen to Lisa's court defense, collected evidence everywhere, and tried to save the heroine Lisa. He believes Lisa is innocent and that Ricehouse's murderer is the real killer.

During the hearing, Detective Kildare learned about Lisa's tragic childhood.

Lisa, who was born in poverty, sewed canvas, and was sexually assaulted once while delivering canvas. After returning home, her mother found out, not only did not comfort her, but thought that her daughter was resigned, and stabbed her with a red-hot needle. Because of the prevalence of prostitutes in those days.

Obviously, this abuse experience of the heroine directly established her distorted mind and rebellious abnormal psychology. The hatred of mothers, the hatred of prostitutes, was the scar from this experience.

After her mother died, Lisa dug her grave for five years to make a living. It is hard to imagine how frightening and terrifying sights will be experienced by a minor in the cruel grave-digging career. Horror scenes in the eyes of others may have become commonplace in the eyes of the heroine. These dark elements are like indelible marks, which are gradually strengthened and deeply imprinted in the heroine's life, corrupting and eroding her soul.

Probably because she could no longer bear the mental pressure of digging graves, she finally came to the concert hall she longed for, found a job cleaning up an actress' room, and started a new life.

The resplendent concert hall, high-profile actresses, and rising comedian Dan Leno make Lisa ecstatic when she sees it for the first time.

This should have been a wonderful life, however, it was this hugely different experience that accelerated and catalyzed Lisa's destruction.

On the one hand, the status of the comedian is humble, and on the other hand, the shiny feeling of standing on stage to receive the attention of everyone is fascinated.

Lisa, who found the opportunity to perform successfully, was trapped in the colorful stage and couldn't extricate herself. She likes and enjoys being on the stage more and more, and she longs to be a real actress, and like a man, get a fair chance: as long as she puts in the effort, she will be recognized and applauded.

However, not only was there discrimination and suppression by men, but Lisa was also jealous of her talent by the same sex, which once obstructed her stage career.

In order to realize her dream and become a successful comedian, Lisa chose to save herself, and she did not hesitate to use marriage in exchange for her dream.

John Criss promised her to use her as the heroine to write a script for "Lover's Knot". Lisa was eager to realize her true life value by performing this play, so she agreed to his proposal.

It's a pity that her husband not only forbade her from the stage after marriage, but even the script of "Lover's Knot", which she cared about most, was just a hoax.

Funding all the money to fulfill her husband's wish, in the end, the dream was shattered, and the husband became one of the many who broke her wish.

After discovering her husband's deception, Lisa begins to walk down a path of no return. Since it is impossible to be a famous actress and go down in history, it is better to change it in a different way, and it can be written into the annals of history.

The fiercely determined Lisa began to concoct serial murders in order to "engrave the name in stone".

Then, the most despicable man in the whole film, Detective Kildare, arrives.

He doesn't care about Lisa's dreams, he just wants to realize his poor sense of worth by saving Lisa.

As the case progressed, he finally discovered that the murderer was not the John Criss he thought, but Lisa himself.

At this time, he became mad and became the last straw that crushed Lisa's dream. He burned the evidence, concealed the fact that the serial murderer was Lisa, and still hanged her on the charge of killing her father, completely destroying Lisa's wish.

Let's take a look at the dark tide around the concert hall where Lisa lives, and so on.

There are wretched dwarfs, who are waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of salty pigs at the dinner table;

there are perverted concert hall owners who like to sexually abuse and take fruit photos;

these people can be considered dead. But don't forget, this is already Lisa's best situation.

In the film, lines expressing the injustice of women can be seen everywhere. Even the historical celebrity Marx went abroad for a few minutes to speak for the underprivileged.

In essence, this is not actually a horror film about murder, it is a story about how a talented woman with a dream is shattered by a patriarchal society, destroyed by everyone, and then driven to a dead end and murdered A famous story.

We don't have to ask, why choose such a violent means of murder? The film gives us the answer: half comes from the tragic experience of the heroine; the other half comes from the ruthless trampling and insidious suppression of women's dreams by society.

The essence of this film is to show the audience how hard it is for an 18th-century woman to get ahead in society! Hard enough to make a horror movie.

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Extended Reading

The Limehouse Golem quotes

  • John Kildare: The Yard is setting me up as a scapegoat. They'll not risk Roberts, will they. I'm expendable. They get to preserve the reputation of their golden boy and the public... get blood.

  • John Kildare: "He who spectates." He doesn't mean us, he means the public. The public want blood. The Golem provides it.