Either go down in history or go down forever

Daphnee 2022-09-16 11:01:34

The film tells the story of the development of a female murderer's performance art. Yes, yes, she is a murderer, but she does not kill to kill, or not just to kill, except to kill these people who block her way. Besides, she kills to make herself a world-famous murderer and let the world remember her! She doesn't just want to be a good actress, she wants the world to remember her!

Because of the messy editing and the scattered script, I couldn't figure it out and couldn't understand the plot at all, but I watched the end with patience, and I had to marvel that Liz, who is a woman, could be so good, Everyone is playing with their hands. In the end, it seemed that she was strangled, but she failed, but ignored her bright smile, showing us that this is her real success!

Let me first sort out how many people Liz killed and why.

The first person, mother. From the film, it seems that the mother died of illness and has nothing to do with Liz. But I boldly speculate that the mother was actually killed by Liz. First of all, when Liz went to deliver the canvas, she said that her mother would kill her if she knew that she was going to perform in the theater, indicating that her mother was determined not to allow her to be an actress. Moreover, Liz went home after being sexually assaulted, and was abused by her mother with a red-hot iron needle. It seemed that her mother was not good to her, indicating that she did not love her mother much. After her mother died, she ran to the theater immediately. I speculate that she went to the theater to perform at ease after she killed her mother. After all, her mother would not support her as an actor.

The second person, a prostitute. From the narrative in the book, it seems that the death of the prostitute, an accident, was the beginning of her performance art, her first step in shaping herself into a notorious murderer. Of course, the reason why she chose such a prostitute, I think, is because it was her first real murder. She couldn't choose a man who was too strong, she could only choose a relatively weak and defenseless prostitute, which was easy to succeed. . In addition, she kills prostitutes, which also shows that she hates low-status women and herself, which shows her perverted pursuit of fame.

The third person, the dwarf. The dwarf actor in the theater stole Liz's thigh at a dinner party, so Liz held a grudge and wanted to kill, and in order to portray herself as a murderer, she shot again. I think it's not so much that Liz killed him to vent his anger, but because he happened to provoke Liz, and Liz wanted to portray herself as a murderer, so she made fun of him.

The fourth person, uncle. The owner of the theater, who looks amiable and takes good care of Liz, secretly wants to create a pornographic leak with Liz and take off his clothes to take a shameful photo. Liz couldn't stand such an insult, toying with herself like a lowly woman was the most intolerable thing for her! So Liz shot again. I speculate that after killing her uncle, Liz and Dan embezzled the theater together, otherwise how could Liz be so rich? The husband's script is that she is paying him to write all the time, which means that the husband has been eating her soft rice! And she also paid double the price to ask the mistress to come back to comfort her husband.

The fifth person, Jewish scholar. Old Jewish scholar, I don't know how to offend Liz, it seems that Liz broke in by accident? Because Liz was tricked by the mistress before and said something to the Jews that she thought was a blessing but was actually a curse, but was scolded by a group of Jews in the audience, so Liz accidentally broke into the Jewish room and saw that he was a Jew Scholar, so the intention to kill? Because he was sexually assaulted when he was a child, he even cut off the sexual organs of Jewish scholars and placed them in books like bookmarks.

The sixth group consists of a family of four and servants in a second-hand clothing store. I don't know what happened to this family. I don't see where they offended Liz. I guess I didn't notice it? You can also tell me what you know. Could it be that Liz went to get the costume, and suddenly on a whim, in order to complete her identity as a murderer, she started a killing spree, killing the wife first, then the male host, and finally the wife and two children?

The seventh person, the husband. The death of her husband is already inevitable. When Liz married him in the first place, she was using him to get him to write her own autobiographical play, not because she really liked him. As a result, he couldn't write it. Liz kept him after the marriage, and he still couldn't write it. In the end, Liz had to do it himself. Although the name of the sign was her husband's name, the content of the play was written by Liz. ! And her repertoire has basically been completed, and the existence of her husband is completely meaningless, so she can only give up.

To sum up, including her mother, Liz killed a total of 11 people! Of course, in the end, her own death was also planned by herself.

In addition, there are some questions that may cause doubts in the film. I also express my own opinions. If I say something wrong, please criticize and correct it and discuss it together.

1. Why do Liz and her husband have the same handwriting?

A: How can two people's handwriting be the same? It was also explained in the film that the husband could not write at all, and Liz wrote and acted in the back, but the signature was still her husband's. So Liz deliberately burned all the other manuscripts of her husband, and only this manuscript named Husband was left. Perhaps this was something she had long thought of, so it was arranged in advance. But in fact, all the content inside has been written by Liz. So it's not that Liz's handwriting is the same as her husband's, but the so-called husband's manuscript was written by Liz at all.

2. Why did the police burn Liz's handwriting at the end?

A: At the end, the police know that Liz is the real murderer, but if it is declared to the world that Liz is the real murderer, then it is just as Liz intended. Liz did all this to let the world know that she is the famous murderer. She wants the world to remember her. If the police declare to the world that she is a murderer, then it is just as she intended. In fact, the police are investigating the case, and Liz has always used it! So the police burned her handwriting and had her executed for the petty crime of killing her husband. But it doesn't matter. Although Liz was not remembered by the world as a murderer, her deeds were adapted into a popular drama, and she was also remembered. Being remembered by the world is her goal. As for whether to remember as a murderer or a murderer, she probably won't care too much.

3. Did the mistress finally commit suicide or was framed?

A: I personally think it was suicide. After all, when she went up, she had a determined expression on her face, as if she didn't want to go out alive. After all, the man she loved, Liz's husband, was called a murderer by the world. She never believed that the man she loved was a murderer, so she committed suicide. Of course, what other people said also makes sense. When Dan was putting on makeup, the maid took the wrong vanity box. Dan said that it belonged to his mother, and Dan wore the same clothes as Liz's. Obviously, he was ready to replace Xiaosan as Liz. Liz's preparations, so it is possible that all this was negotiated by Dan and Liz. After Liz's death, let Dan adapt his story into a play, and at the same time use the stage accident to get rid of the only mistress who knows the truth.

4. Why did Liz resist her husband so much on the wedding night?

Answer: First of all, Liz was sexually assaulted when she was a child, and after the sexual assault, she was not comforted by her mother, but was abused again by her mother with a red-hot iron needle, so it is very likely that she was very repulsive of sex; secondly, Liz It is obvious that he has become a very strong person, and he regards himself as a man. How can a man allow himself to be fucked? This is a shame for straight men to feel that they are anal, so Liz also feels very shameful; again; , Liz doesn't like him, she just regards him as a tool to make herself famous. Since she doesn't like him, how could she be willing to applaud him for love? Finally, or there are other reasons, but I haven't thought of it at the moment. In short, Liz is very reluctant to have sex with her husband!

5. In the end, why did Liz reveal that she was the murderer?

A: In the end, the police have clearly determined that her husband is the real murderer. Why did Liz look in the mirror, smiling so strangely, and revealing her handwriting, almost directly telling the police that I was the murderer, and the husband was the back pot. She could obviously get away with murdering her husband as a murderer, so why did she show that she was a murderer? Is she stupid? In fact, getting out of the crime is not what she wants. What she wants is that the police tell everyone the fact that she is the murderer, and let everyone remember that she is the notorious murderer, so she deliberately showed that she A murderer!

6. Why does Liz rely on her husband and the police to fulfill her wish?

A: Liz first hoped to become an instant hit with her biographical play written by her husband, but when her husband Jiang Lang was exhausted and could no longer write, she did it herself. Liz ended up in jail on the charge of killing her husband, and counted on the police to investigate the truth and let him tell the world that she was the murderer. She seems to be relying on others all the time, but Dan once told her that if you want your name to be engraved in stone, you must carve it yourself with a chisel, not someone else, didn't she hear it? In fact, this is not the case. When her husband can't write it, she does it herself, so the manuscript looks like it was written by her husband, but in fact it is all her handwriting. As for the police, she did not expect the police to investigate the truth. If he investigated the truth and told the world, it would be great. If he didn't find out, Liz probably also negotiated with Dan. After she died on the charge of murdering her husband, she asked Dan to rehearse a play based on her story, which also achieved the purpose of making the world remember her. . Of course, this is still relying on others, relying on Dan, but in fact, even without Dan, her goal has been achieved, at least everyone remembers that there was once a perverted murderer, even if it was her husband who remembered , but her name can at least be mentioned, and the title of murderer was created by herself step by step, that is to say, she carved it out with a chisel herself.

There are only so many questions that come to mind for the time being. If you think of other questions, please come and add them. Of course, if you have other questions, you can also ask them. I can share my views, and you are welcome to discuss with me.

After watching the film, I had to be amazed, Liz is really awesome, she really can't survive without being crazy! In order to be famous, she turned her life into a drama! Are you saying she's a natural killer? No, I would rather believe that she wrote such a script in order to make her life a drama, to kill people like crazy, and to turn her life into a wonderful drama! So Dan was able to rehearse Liz's biographical drama, The Tragic Knot. As for Dan, I suspect that Liz planned it together with him. The relationship between Dan and Liz couldn't have been better. Liz was remembered by the world by becoming a murderer, and it was infamous for thousands of years; and Dan was remembered by the world by performing Liz's biography, and the name went down in history, and they can all be remembered by the world.

Do you think it was a tragedy that Liz died in the end? I don't think so. The first time Liz was on the gallows, Liz was very anxious and resolutely refused to go up. Do you think she was afraid of death? No, that's because the police haven't found her yet, and she still doesn't know that the murderer is her. She is worried that the world won't know the truth! The second time she went to the gallows, no one pushed her. She walked up to it with joy. Before she died, there was no pain, but she was very excited. That was because she knew that her goal had been achieved! She has successfully lived her life into the best drama ever!

Really, life is like a play, and play is like life. Liz, Liz, if you can't be famous in history, you'd rather be infamous forever. I respect you as a man!

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The Limehouse Golem quotes

  • John Kildare: The Yard is setting me up as a scapegoat. They'll not risk Roberts, will they. I'm expendable. They get to preserve the reputation of their golden boy and the public... get blood.

  • John Kildare: "He who spectates." He doesn't mean us, he means the public. The public want blood. The Golem provides it.