The end of the anti-routine

Margarette 2022-12-05 00:27:35

In the movie, Mrs. Mariette is regarded as the second female lead, but this role is very charming by the actor Kay Francis, and her gestures are full of charm. After watching the movie, I deliberately checked the information of actress Kay Francis. I didn't find much information about her. She is not well-known in Hollywood. She has always been known for playing fashionable and tragic female roles. In the 1940s, she mainly starred in B-level movies. It can be said that "The Troubles in Heaven" is the most famous film she has acted in, but she also perfectly interprets this charming widow with a wealth of wealth, so that we can be fortunate to be able to enjoy such a movie after 1985. A unique beauty.

The scene where the male and female protagonists meet at the opening is also very cleverly designed. The introduction of the male and female protagonists is half-covered, making the audience think that the male and female protagonists are barons and countesses of high society, but they are edited in parallel. A theft scene that the police are investigating also suggests that the identities of our hero and heroine are not so simple. After that, the plot continued to advance, and the mystery about the identities of the male and female protagonists was revealed. Both of them were big thieves, and they both wanted to steal something from each other, and the results could be imagined. After that, the director arranged a very exciting scene. The male and female protagonists alternately took out the things they stole from each other. This was a joke that impressed the audience.

And the director did not waste this joke, and this plot was cleverly repeated to the last scene of the movie. When the two drove away, they re-interpreted the beginning of the plot, which also implied that the two were reunited and their identities remained the same. The male protagonist did not change his identity because of his momentary infatuation with Madame Mariette. , he and the heroine are veritable male and female thieves, and he also stole the pearl necklace she wanted most for the heroine. This ending was controversial at the time. In fact, even now, many people will not approve it because the values ​​of this ending are not very correct.

From a moral point of view, the identities of the male and female protagonists are not positive, so even if the audience can accept them, it seems that the director should let them "rehabilitate" at the end. Since the male protagonist has developed feelings for Mrs. Mariette, this Isn't it a good opportunity to abandon the dark to the light? However, the director did not do this. He did not choose a popular ending that conforms to mainstream values, but chose to shoot according to his own preferences, even if the film received unfair judgments for a long time after that.

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Trouble in Paradise quotes

  • Mariette Colet: What are you going to do with my day tomorrow, Monsieur La Valle?

    Gaston Monescu: Well, we'll have breakfast in the garden together.

    Mariette Colet: Mm-hmm.

    Gaston Monescu: Then horseback riding together.

    Mariette Colet: Mm-hmm.

    Gaston Monescu: Then lunch in the bois.

    Mariette Colet: Together.

    Gaston Monescu: Then, I would say, a little nap.

    Mariette Colet: To-


  • Mariette Colet: How do you like my new dress?

    Gaston Monescu: Beautiful.

    Mariette Colet: Hair?

    Gaston Monescu: Marvelous.

    Mariette Colet: [leans forward] Lipstick?

    Gaston Monescu: [leans forward] Crimson.

    Mariette Colet: Correct. Good night.

    Gaston Monescu: Good night.

    Mariette Colet: Good night.