The sound is endless, the life is endless

Wiley 2022-09-12 13:42:01

Probably because the group of comrades is too small, if you see even a little of this kind of subject matter, you will cry.
But after watching this movie, I didn't cry, there was no overwhelming plot, and the small story narration was the most touching.

After watching the whole film, what impressed me the most was what Mo Niang said: "Don't use other people's voices!"

Including when the two male protagonists were rehearsing the violin later, Mo Niang said, be louder and let me hear your voices!

"If you're all busy being someone else, then who's going to be yourself!"
We all know how ordinary we are if the world understands us.

But a movie, after all, is a movie. In this movie, Mo Niang represents this group, speaks for herself, and lets us speak out.
But in real life, who can really speak for us.

The male protagonist NED finally said when he persuaded CONER, as long as you dare!

However, I dare not.
Even Mo Niang said that night, "We, we can't satisfy everyone before the time comes."

Several times before and after repeatedly said, it will be better, it will be better, it will be better.
With uncontrollable tears.

I always thought that Mo Niang was a true confession. Outstanding acting.
It's not pretentious, it's not someone in this circle, I don't understand this subtle feeling of longing to be accepted, cautious, hateful, helpless, sentimental, and hopeful.

But even if not everyone understands us, so what, keep going and don't stop.
What about even G.

Two men can also sing.
Can also play striker in rugby to turn the tide.
Can also be a teacher, teaching people what beauty is.
It can also be accepted and recognized by Christians.

The road ahead is long, our journey is the stars and the sea.

Every character in the play is full of love and pursuit of life, even the bad-tempered football coach is too obsessed with the sport.
It is rare to have a lover since ancient times.
Anyone who lives seriously deserves respect.

Just like the male protagonist NED, it doesn't matter whether it is G or not. The movie is like NED itself, with a small body and a big heart.

The superficial Qingshui drama is a self-awareness, a price paid in the process of growth, and a clear view of the future direction.


Finally, may you work hard all your life, be loved all your life, have what you want, and let go of what you can't get.

Good night.

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Extended Reading

Handsome Devil quotes

  • Ned Roche: [voice over] Did you know lizards can regrow their tails? That's how it was in our school with English teachers. One dies, another grows in his place. No big deal.

  • Ned Roche: [voice over] The Berlin Wall was built overnight. The world woke up the morning after and there it was. Now I'm no communist, but there's a lot to be said for acting decisively.