【Original】A moving poem

Jules 2022-11-29 17:05:20

Waiter: Yes, Baron. What should we start with, Baron? Hmm?
Baron, what should we start with?
Gaston Monescu: Oh yes. That's not so easy. Beginnings are always difficult.
Oh yes. Ordering is not easy, everything is difficult to start.
Waiter: Yes, Baron. Yes, Baron
Gaston Monescu: If Casanova suddenly turned out to be Romeo having supper with Juliet, who might become Cleopatra, how would you start
? , what do you think comes first?
Waiter: I would start with cocktails. I would start with cocktails
Big thief and little pickpocket love at first sight

In the water city of Venice, on the terrace, a gentleman stands elegantly and smoky. A conversation between him and the waiter ended in "I want the moonlight to melt in the champagne". Really drunk before anyone else.
A romantic tryst between the baron and the countess didn't go in the direction the audience expected. You flirt with me, seemingly gentleman and elegant. The last sentence is a compliment, and the next act is more like a gentle murder. The technical contest between the big thief and the little pickpocket sparks a spark that is unique in the history of movies. Heaven is everywhere, when you hug the one you love, you don't need a magic apple tree or a garden full of flowers, to experience the excitement of that sweet and greedy moment! The thief fell in love with the little pickpocket at first sight, and met each other's true love through mutual deception. What a clever like-mindedness!
Of course, the fun has only just begun. The well-known thief Gaston, in addition to elegance, courtesy, gentleman, and deadly mystery and humor. His quick and witty thinking and excellent eloquence make his actions and words always surprising. When he incarnates Mr. Laval, dealing with the wealthy and charming Mariette Colet, the temptation and instigation, the attraction and the desire, turned into a true and false love. The final showdown was no less than the opening scene. The lady and the thief, who will compromise for whom, who will bear for whom? Close your eyes and indulge in the charm of each other, unable to extricate yourself. When the "original match" little pickpocket appeared, in this emotional interplay, it seemed that it was about to happen, and everything came to an abrupt end. The robber also asked the gentleman to say "goodbye", and Gaston made both ladies fall in love with him in an affectionate and playful way without regrets. A dream, unwilling to wake up.
The Ambiguity between the Thief and the Lady

Mariette Colet: I have a confession to make to you: You like me. In fact, you're crazy about me
Gaston Monescu: I came here to rob you, but unfortunately I fell in love with you
Gaston Monescu: It could have been marvelous.
It should have been marvelous.
Mariette Colet: Divine.
Gaston Monescu: Wonderful... . But tomorrow morning, if you should wake out of your dreams and hear a knock, and the door opens, and there, instead of a maid with a breakfast tray, stands a policeman with a warrant, then you'll be glad you are alone.
Brilliant. But tomorrow morning, if you wake up from a dream and hear a knock on the door, the door opens, and it's not a servant with breakfast but a policeman with a search warrant, you'll be relieved to be alone.
No flaws

Such a suave, charismatic flirt and thief brought Herbert Marshall to the forefront. Looking through the information, I found that the veteran British actor, originally a certified public accountant, whose real name was Herbert Brough Falcon Marshall, nicknamed Bart, was born in London on May 23, 1890, and was 6' (1.83 m) tall. He has had a long and varied stage career because of his interest in stage performances. The widely recognized debut was in Brighton in 1911 (already on the stage in 1909) with The Adventure of Lady Ursula. In 1913, "Brewster's Millions" premiered in London.
In 1914, World War I broke out, and Bart enlisted in the army at the age of 24. On April 9, 1917, he was shot in the right knee (and not the left) by a sniper during the Second Battle of Arras, France. As he continued to fight afterward, doctors were forced to amputate his limbs near his hip. He replaced it with a specially made wooden leg and walked on a prosthetic leg, overcoming difficulties and taking the stage again in December 1918. In a long career on stage and screen, there has never been a flaw (despite the occasional press coverage).
In Troubles in Paradise, in order to emphasize the professional characteristics of Gaston's Snitch, Lubitsch also intends to highlight his quick response and quick action in several passages. There are also several shots of Gaston running up and down the stairs in Clay's apartment. Indeed, no flaws.
Lubitsch felt that Bart was particularly suitable for the role of Gastown, for which he was very grateful. In interviews, Bart has repeatedly expressed his fondness for such witty comedic roles. "Sorrows in Heaven" is one of Herbert Marshall's famous works in the United States and one of his representative works.
cheating master

final choice

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Trouble in Paradise quotes

  • Mariette Colet: What are you going to do with my day tomorrow, Monsieur La Valle?

    Gaston Monescu: Well, we'll have breakfast in the garden together.

    Mariette Colet: Mm-hmm.

    Gaston Monescu: Then horseback riding together.

    Mariette Colet: Mm-hmm.

    Gaston Monescu: Then lunch in the bois.

    Mariette Colet: Together.

    Gaston Monescu: Then, I would say, a little nap.

    Mariette Colet: To-


  • Mariette Colet: How do you like my new dress?

    Gaston Monescu: Beautiful.

    Mariette Colet: Hair?

    Gaston Monescu: Marvelous.

    Mariette Colet: [leans forward] Lipstick?

    Gaston Monescu: [leans forward] Crimson.

    Mariette Colet: Correct. Good night.

    Gaston Monescu: Good night.

    Mariette Colet: Good night.