Queen's Counterattack

Jean 2022-04-05 08:01:01

Disney's films, at least in terms of film quality, are guaranteed, although this film is generally regarded as a flawless biopic, during this period, the narrative techniques and expressiveness tend to be dull, only the credits at the end of the film have Some surprises. If you can calm down and watch it slowly, at the end of the film, there will still be some moving.
I also learned chess for a few days when I was a child, but because of my stupid talent, I finally let it go, but I still know a little about the general rules. Among them, I like the counterattack called the queen by the little girl about the promotion of the chess pawn, but I personally prefer to call it the counterattack of the queen. To put it simply, pawn promotion refers to a special move of pawns in chess. When one side's pawn reaches the bottom line by going straight or diagonally (for White it is the 8th horizontal line, for Black it is the 1st horizontal line), it can become one of the queens, chariots, horses, and elephants, but it cannot change. King (because one country cannot have two kings). The promotion of soldiers is mandatory, and soldiers to the bottom line cannot remain soldiers. Once a pawn is upgraded, it will immediately have the function of a new piece. When I first learned chess, I remembered what the coach said, chess seems to be a game of nobility, but it also speaks for life. As I get older, I know and understand more things, so I have more understanding of this sentence. Different from Chinese chess, the seemingly insignificant pawn in chess may turn into the most powerful queen after a series of fights, and the most powerful queen may also inadvertently be in the small pawn. The little soldier lost his life, just like the heroine in the film, who was born in a slum and finally became a chess master, realizing her dream, instead of marrying a woman and having children like her sister or her peers of the same age Raising daughters runs for a living. Of course, in the process of counterattack, she will also be confused and lost. When she chooses a different path from others, it may be nothing at the beginning, but when you go deeper and deeper, you can't see a way out. At times, how many people will feel that they can persevere and not give up their dreams.
In fact, when I typed these words, I was also in a kind of confusion in my life. I could not see a way out for my choice. Even my close relatives were persuading me to give up. When the time comes, the choice is not the most difficult. It is the most difficult to be able to walk on the path of your own choice and insist on not giving up.

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Queen of Katwe quotes

  • Phiona Mutesi: [Triumphant "finger - snap"] .

  • Benjamin: [around 113:00 celebrating wins in international tournament in Sudan the three are at a table drinking floats and eating french fries] We use to eat rice and beans in the village... look at what we are eating now mmm mmm mmm.

    Ivan: Ketchup... it's the greatest thing ever invented !

    [laughing the 3 hold up one french fry with ketchup on it in a toasting fashion and say "ketchup yeah... Cheers"]

    Ivan: .