what is writing

Missouri 2022-09-13 12:13:55

The award-winning screenwriter, at the invitation of his agent, left Hollywood to teach screenwriting and writing courses on the East Coast when he was down, and found his meaning in the process of getting along and interacting with students. It is similar in concept to "K Song Lover", but the theme and angle are different. The latter seeks the true meaning of life from songs and lyrics, love and life, while the former seeks the idea of ​​life in screenwriting and script, writing and emotion. Writers face the question, what is the point of writing.

The point of a word is not that it necessarily plays a positive or negative role. I have written a lot of words that may not help the reader at all. But that's what I mean by saying these words that I've kept in my heart for a long time, because I want to.

Some people can't express their feelings. When they see the words that others can express their feelings well, they feel that you have said everything I want to say. The people who write are ordinary people, and they are different from the former in that they can translate their feelings into words. Every time I think that what I think is what other people think, I feel like I'm helping others.

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The Rewrite quotes

  • Keith Michaels: Dr. Lerner, you must have an opinion on this?

    Dr. Lerner: Hah! I have a wife and four daughters; I have no opinions.

  • Andrea Stein-Rosen: I don't think I go that deep. That's what everybody keeps telling me, anyways

    Keith Michaels: Well, let's prove everybody wrong.