Expansion of Ambition, Judges in the Present World——A Record of Roman Polanski's Movie "Macbeth"

Noah 2022-12-04 12:46:40

Macbeth was seduced by the witch's prophecy and under the persuasion of Mrs. Macbeth to usurp the monarchy. His fame and expectations of the world, like a tangible thing, melted into the wind like breath.

The horrors in his imagination are far greater than the horrors in reality. The hallucinations lingered in front of his eyes like a fascination, but he almost never shackled his strong and powerful footsteps. His reputation had been discarded, and it was his duty to realize the expansion of his own ambitions.

The fear of the courtier turned out to be full of too much human odor, so that he did not dare to take the shortest shortcut. important task.

Destruction chosen by free will has a tragic value far above that of ordinary destruction. His ambition, along with his previous hesitation and hesitation in killing decisions, put his conscience and moral consciousness on the shelf, to carry out an ancient breakthrough and fight against beasts.

Macbeth killed sleep, the innocent sleep, the sleep that weaved the tangle of worry, so that the trembling of the heart was lost.

Seeing the vision of blood gurgling on Duncan's head, Macbeth's bone marrow has actually been depleted and his blood has been frozen.

The terrifying shadow and vain teasing erased his inspiration and rational appeal one by one, and what remained was the damage to the human genes of primitive people.

Eyes are open, but vision is closed. The function of audition has been damaged, and the psychological barrier of nothingness is pulling it.

Every day, a new scar is added to the old wounds, and he is exiled in the boundless wasteland and fantasy world. For him, the peacefulness of the world is an undemanding extravagance or a gorgeous dream.

He will not perish from the despair and misery of his soul unless the Forest of Burnan will move towards Dunsinen.
No child born by a woman can hurt him, and he obeys the arrogant and swift life logic of a careerist.

But things changed, and the trees of Burnan Forest moved towards Dunsinen, and Macduff the warrior was cut out of his mother's womb before he was full term.

All the mute and obscure are pressing towards Macbeth's pale and dead soul, attacking the skeletal sins accumulated by his killing in this world, the head of the strange and desolate general swaying against the sunset of the apocalypse, the free will Destruction pays homage to his shameless life and death.

His entanglement and loss, killing and annihilation have all confirmed the eternal and unchanging universal axioms of the world. The principles advertised and the ethics of the prosperous world will snatch his corpse and his deep sins, and punish the era of the past and the future. Curse of the human disposition , the decay of decay makes a just decision.

A kind of messy mood that cannot be fulfilled under the dark and windy heights, a kind of remorse that stirs up one's own narrowness in the chaos, will inevitably spread in the world of high and low life with the end of the body.

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Macbeth quotes

  • Macbeth: My name's Macbeth!

    Young Siward: The devil himself could not pronounce a title more hateful to mine ear.

  • Macbeth: I will not yield, To kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feet, And to be baited with the rabble's curse. Though Birnam wood be come to Dunsinane, And thou oppos'd, being of no woman born, Yet I will try the last. Lay on, Macduff; And damn'd be him that first cries, "Hold, enough!"