Finally, I mentioned something that made me curious, that is the barrel of gas that fell from the military vehicle. The effect of three barrels leaking at the same time.
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Green 2022-10-15 21:01:04
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Return of the Living Dead II quotes
Doc Mandel: You will also notice there is no pupillary response, no reflexes, obviously lividity, suggesting chronic, retractable, rigor mortis.
Tom Essex: Is it serious?
Doc Mandel: Is *dead* serious?
Brenda: But they can talk!
Joey: Oh God it hurts! I can't move my arms or legs!
Brenda: See? Now you call this dead? They are not dead, you jerk!
Doc Mandel: Have you noticed he isn't breathing? Care to check heartbeat? In my opinion they should be contained.
Tom Essex: Contained?
Doc Mandel: Bagged.
Tom Essex: Bagged?
Doc Mandel: Bagged.
[dramatically draws up the zipper on Ed's jacket]
Ed: [moaning in pain] Owie!
Brenda: [to Joey as they're being chased by zombies] I knew we should've gone dancing!