Do not return home

Jalyn 2022-03-20 08:01:42

Chili is hot and hot, like the sun; Venus, like a woman, is sweet with bitterness, like cinnamon; Earth, which carries life, is like salt, a must in food. The Greeks have always focused on the mysteries of nature, but also on simple and profound philosophies. Therefore, the childhood of the protagonist Vanness is lingered in the fragrance of grandfather's lingering fragrance and his interesting stories about astronomy. However, there is always something. National strife and war made Vanis move his family to Greece, leaving only his old and kind grandfather and two little girlfriends. With the lingering memory of spices, Vanness gradually grew up in Greece, and then he understood the intention of his grandfather: food is delicious because of spices, but life is often full of bitterness and sourness. What matters is whether we have the courage to accept those destined to be imperfect endings, like a respectable grandfather who will never come to Greece to meet him, and an uncle who is good-looking and good at cooking. His wife, the aunt who suffers from Parkinson's disease is always on the verge of being cured, and the beautiful girlfriend who stays in Greece is destined to be only another wife...

Why bother to care about those endings that are not perfect. There are too many imperfections in life, and my grandfather told us that those invisible are often the most important. Many fans liked the end of the film. They parted very much. Vanness said to his girlfriend who was walking towards the platform: "Don't look back, because I will see your tears."

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Politiki kouzina quotes

  • Fanis Iakovides: Geography is magical and the place to learn it best is near a lighthouse. By the lighthouse, the compass spins wildly and the air magnetises both the mind and the eyes.

  • Fanis Iakovides: Mussels always remind me of the hammam. When we'd go there I'd hear the elders open their souls as mussels do when steamed.