In reality, something similar happens every day.

Missouri 2022-09-09 22:10:05

Fortunately, this is just a drama, but sadly it happens every day in reality.

After watching the last episode, I remembered the sentence "She never stop looking for her son for her life" at the end of the Suspicious Cloud. Compared with foreign countries, there are more such crimes in China, because foreign countries are all kidnapped by gangsters, while domestic people are more likely to sell them to the countryside, or lead them to beg. A blessing. The once crackdown on Weibo disappeared with the demise of the big V. Needless to say, the police are powerless in the face of this type of crime. As a parent, you can only pay attention as much as possible to prevent your child from being dangerously violated.

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The Missing quotes

  • Malik Suri: [to Mark Walsh, the English liaison on the Oliver Hughes case] We should do an interview sometime. Yeah, be good to know what the spare part of the investigation has to say about it all.