Steven Gomez:
APD sent this over. This was about eight or ten days ago. You know Southwest Aniline, right?
Hank Schrader:
Yeah, off the 25? The place smells like feet.
Steven Gomez:
This is them. Check this out.
Hank Schrader:
[watching the surveillance tape]
Holy shit. What was that?
Steven Gomez:
Thermite. So they tell me. Burns about 5,000 degrees. Kind of stuff you see on a James Bond movie.
Hank Schrader:
Nice. Guys who know their trade.
[watching the perps carrying a barrel]
Hank Schrader:
Ah, wait. I take that back.
Hank Schrader:
What, they didn't think about stealing a hand truck? Hey, try rolling it, morons. It's a barrel. It rolls. Jesus. So, what'd they get?
Steven Gomez:
Methylamine, 30 gallons.
Hank Schrader:
P2P? They're cooking old-school biker meth. Who the hell still does that?
Steven Gomez:
All the old timers I know are either dead or in prison.
Hank Schrader:
Pesudo's in short supply, so these two make do by changing the formula. That and the thermite, I'd say these two know their chemistry.
Steven Gomez:
But ranking them as burglars?
Hank Schrader:
[laughing again]
Shit. I wouldn't trust these two to break into the Special Olympics. They got book learning but no street skills.
Steven Gomez:
Maybe they're college kids. Chem students trying to make a big score.
Hank Schrader:
Yeah, maybe. I tell you, 30 gallons of precursor... that big a score, they're gonna wind up stepping on some toes. I tell you what, they better pray it's us who catches up to 'em and not those boys from Juarez.