missing child

Lottie 2022-09-09 18:25:51

I like crime-type TV dramas, especially those that tell a case in one season. This type is very common in British dramas, while American dramas usually use one episode to tell a case to attract audiences. For those who like delicate dramas For the audience, too fast progress is not actually the icing on the cake, and it often gives people a feeling of unfinished business. The high quality of detectives and crime genres in British dramas can be said to surpass American dramas. Of course, I am not referring to Sherlock, the detective. Before it was born, there were quite a few British dramas that maintained a high viewing standard. There are also ingenious storylines, such as the great detective Polo's ten thousand-year-old drama, except that I am a fan of Agatha, the TV series did not bring me much attraction, on the contrary, it is like the popular in the past two years. The town is suspicious, such slow-moving crime movies are my favorite.
Disappearance is not a crime drama in the traditional sense. It is not a story with an ingenious crime plot, nor is it as mysterious as a true detective. A case that should have ended eight years ago was dragged for two years. World Cup time. The football game that can be seen everywhere in the whole play is not so much the love of football in Britain and France, but it is better to see it as a "spur" to the father and the murderer. A seemingly simple case is actually related to the world's largest sport. It is easy to arouse people's interest in watching. In fact, when watching this drama, you don't have to pay attention to a lot of nuanced details like you do when you watch True Detective, because this is not an unsolved case like Twelve Officials, nor is it a thriller like The Silence of the Lambs. It was originally a very simple case, but when it was mixed with a chain reaction caused by too many fragmented characters, the case was no longer a simple case of missing children, it gradually evolved into a case about the government, about selfishness, about Family scrutiny. If there were no DUI violations, no government officials' protection for criminals, no gang involvement, and no father walking into a bar to watch a football game, then maybe everyone would continue as usual, and Oli would grow into an adult, and his parents would not Divorce will be chosen because of the different ways of dealing with the disappearance, but there are not so many ifs, the case has already happened, and there is no room for recovery. Among them, the wisdom and calmness of the old police detective are the bright spots in the overall situation. Without his help and analysis of the case, it is very likely that the day will not be revealed, and the old police detective also gives It tells us more about life, about the interpretation of justice. The fact about the truth is that everyone is involved, but they are not the direct murderers. They have played a negative role more or less, just like the dead policeman, who was also held by reporters who were interested in interests. Kidnapping, the final result is also sad. The reporter's question is actually too simple. To be famous is his most sincere purpose, so that he kept secrets for several years, which made the case complicated. Maybe everyone is a murderer, but the real motive is very ridiculous. If you have the courage to admit it and dare to take it, everything will be easier.
At the end of the film, the father continues to look for his son. He insists that he wants to see people in life and see the corpse in death, and the image of the big-eared father may just be his wishful thinking. He originally thought that everything was over, and the truth of the case was revealed. At the time of his own ending, his father's continuation also made the whole play reveal a sad tone--the importance of children to parents can be imagined.
Last year's crime-themed British dramas maintained a cold-hearted narrative style, which not only gave people a cold and sad emotion, but also conformed to the characteristics of the crime theme itself. Missing TV dramas, not only British dramas and American dramas, but also French children have the same tone. If you don't dislike the French tone, you can take it out and watch it.

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The Missing quotes

  • Malik Suri: [to Mark Walsh, the English liaison on the Oliver Hughes case] We should do an interview sometime. Yeah, be good to know what the spare part of the investigation has to say about it all.