The journey of love

Cullen 2022-11-07 05:28:58

The movie The Odyssey, acting like a window, through which we are able to have a better understanding of the 20-year struggle of Odyssey. Having cut certain parts of the original version, the movie put emphasis on the impediments of Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon, the fierce storm, the obstacles of the goddess and witch and the risk of being burnt to death, etc. It is amazing that a mortal man could still stick to his faith faced with all kinds of challenges and tempts. Personally, I think the reasons why he never give up and give in to t Poseidon including mainly two parts, the love to his wife, Penelope, and the indomitable spirits that may innate in mortal's mind from the very beginning.
One detail that impresses me most is the end of the movie which is a dialog between Odyssey and Penelope. “There are many wonderful and beautiful places in the world, but none of them is better than a man's world that belongs to him and can be controlled, and you, Penelope, is my world.” I was moved by the words on hearing them, however, after thinking deeper about it, I begin wondering that whether Odyssey really won in the battle between the god and him. From the gods ' aspect, the so-called success is just a mercy from gods, there is no doubt about that. But from Odyssey's aspect, when he finally said that he wanted a world that can be controlled, it seemed that, to some extent, he had to give in, too finally.
Consequently, Odyssey might be successful in holding his devoted love with Penelope, which is the one of reason why the story of Odyssey can be sung about till now. However, Odyssey could also be failed in the struggle against gods, for he could never change his fate unless those gods change their mind.
One character who also deserves more attention is his wife, Penelope. Again, the story cannot be remembered throughout the history without her loyalty to Odyssey. The endless waiting is as miserable as the hardship of Odyssey's journey . Responsibility and love, hope and despair, loneliness and desire, all these things contradicted in her mind and pressured her just like huge stones put on her shoulder. It is reasonable to say that she was as strong as her husband.

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The Odyssey quotes

  • Odysseus: Is easy to be angry!

  • Odysseus: I would rather lie in my wife's arms for a moment than to spend forever without her.