The skirt tucked in the door and the fresco of the unknown hippie

Pearl 2022-11-01 07:57:31

3 Women

's skirts tucked under the car door and a mural of an anonymous hippie. In a barren desert

, the identity of two women is secretly switched. Everything has to come from a strange dream of director Robert Altman, his nightmare when his wife is sick and admitted to the hospital. , even after he woke up, he couldn't understand its paraphrase, but he was determined to make a movie, and he had to use Sissy Spacek and Shelly Duvall, two non-Hollywood beauties, and even some weird-looking actresses. play. Spacek is the naive "Wicked Girl" in "Carrie the Witch" and "Badlands", and Duvall is probably most impressive for the weird screams of panic in The Shining. The two actors of different colors together doomed the movie's cult fate, not to mention that Altman planned to use the screen to reproduce his incredible dream from the beginning. He wants the audience to walk out of the theater without words, but full of feelings. And in fact he did, 3 Woman is such an indescribable work. It's incredible, yet full of dreamlike charm.

3 Women is an impromptu film without a pre-script. Every day, Altman writes the content of the next day's shooting based on the improvisation of the actors and the inspiration of the day. Even the content of Millie's diary played by Duvall is completely based on her feelings. Written, this way of shooting maximizes the relationship and emotional changes between the protagonists, creating a minimalist mystery in the background of deserts, highways, lifeless elderly nursing facilities, surreal Western-style taverns, etc.

There are strong changes in the first and second half of the film. Pinky and Millie seem to be completely polar characters at the beginning. Pinky is an introverted and innocent girl who runs out of the Texas countryside. Millie's appearance and portrayal are first through Pinky She looks more mature and outgoing than Pinky, and she also seems to be quite popular. Everything is admired by Pinky. Pinky annotates Millie like a follower, following her. Millie takes Pinky into a new world, like the wineries and apartments of a deserted western town, and their owner Edgar and his pregnant wife, Willie, who paints a creepy mural. Yet the footage also suggests that Millie isn't as well-loved as she appears to be in front of Pinky, with colleagues at the nursing home ignoring her, the apartment's south neighbors dodging her, and even her former roommate letting her dove. Just like she would clip her skirt every time she drove without knowing it, her stubbornness and optimism always seemed a bit self-deceiving, but she was trying her best to fit into the insensitive world she couldn't fit into. Losing self-confidence and giving up on himself, Millie, who fooled around with Edgar, and Pinky, who was injured and jumped into a coma from the swimming pool, became the fuse for the drastic change of the situation. After waking up, Pinky seems to be a different person. She occupies Millie's wardrobe, starts flirting with Edgar's ghost and neighbors, and becomes a "woman" in the eyes of the social group, while Millie becomes timid and gentle because of guilt. It seems that the two people who have exchanged identities make the audience feel wrong, especially in the non-linear narrative and fragmented editing, and the yellow and pink backgrounds representing the two sometimes alternate and occupy different positions, etc., which is even more difficult to touch. Find out which part is real and which part is fantasy. Even for a moment, it can be explained that Millie in reality is the opposite of Pinky, and the first half is just Millie's fantasy.

However, no matter how you interpret it, the world in the film is still like a mirage that cannot be really touched. In fact, this is what Altman really wants to achieve: the reproduction of dreams. I wonder who has not experienced unreasonable but seemingly normal scenes in dreams. They may be traps or subconscious signals. As for how to find those signals, there are thousands of ways to analyze dreams since ancient times, such as Freud’s. Psychoanalysis, in fact, Pinky and Millie, who have the same name and use the same security card, may just be different faces of the same person, and Willie, the pregnant woman who doesn't speak, is not the other side. Whether it's a trinity or a Kafka-esque avatar, it's all up to the dreamer, the audience, to feel it.

3 Women gives an unspeakable feeling. This dream comes from Bergman's "Masquerade" and continues to Lynch's "Mulholland Drive", which is a kind of emotional inheritance. As for the traps and signals in the team's dream, the hideous mural painted by an unknown hippie artist is probably the biggest symbol. The three female monsters who were disturbed by male monsters finally solved the evil of male power with guns. , the deprivation and manipulation of women is also obvious, and of course the inorganic and bureaucratic sanatorium, like the deserted town of zombie sanatoriums, completely become the pinky parents of strangers, or intentional or unintentional elements, It all depends on how the dream seeker searches.

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Three Women quotes

  • Pinky Rose: You're the most perfect person I've met.

    Millie Lammoreaux: Gee. Thanks.

  • Pinky Rose: What is this place? *Disneyland*?

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