something never change

Jettie 2022-11-14 19:37:19

The myth and legends are always so fantastic and appealing. With so many heroes and warriors, the Greek myth portrays a gorgeous and wonderful picture in front of us. The Troy, the Olympic mountain and all other vivid and amazing things.
I just can't help thinking about what makes them fight so unfearfully. As we know, there are so many battles and wars through all the stories. Maybe, It is the way they show their power and strength, to protect their country, their beliefs and lovers. Everyone has something they will fight for with their own blood, no matter the ancients or us people living after thousands years nowadays. Belief and love, no one can live without them weather they are right or not. Odyssey fight for his belief in conquering, Helen escaped (which we can take it as another form as fighting back) for love, they just did it without so much hesitation. To some extent, we people nowadays take abundant elements into consideration till we forget what we are persuing for in the genesis. Somehow, we can simplify ourselves and advanced on with the pure mind we got,and it may lead us to where we actually be longing for and belonging to.

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The Odyssey quotes

  • Odysseus: Is easy to be angry!

  • Odysseus: I would rather lie in my wife's arms for a moment than to spend forever without her.