Women steal identities when they need them

Ivy 2022-12-23 09:17:18

Since each character was given a signature color, we were able to measure the success of their appropriation.

Pinkie is pink, Millie is yellow, and Valerie is yellow-red. Every woman steals another woman's identity, and she adapts to her color.

Pinkie enters the film in pale flesh-colored clothing, like a blank canvas searching for a proper identity. After each unfortunate event, she changed her identity, taking up other people's colors and personas. Her identity shifts like a musical rhythm.

4. Finally, after successive tragedies, Pinkie returned to his original costume. It's just that the pink at this time seems to have become more pale after the sun's exposure. Pinky and Millie both enter the world of Valie's desolate colors. Both have found a persona that can heal themselves.

The final role change is really just a temporary break. /291-86

/The quality of the film source is poor, and the color of Willie cannot be seen

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Three Women quotes

  • Pinky Rose: You're the most perfect person I've met.

    Millie Lammoreaux: Gee. Thanks.

  • Pinky Rose: What is this place? *Disneyland*?

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