kill la kill, make you full

Alaina 2022-10-22 20:36:09

24 words, half a year. Now that the new market is becoming more and more fast-food, it is very rare to have the courage to continuously play a half-year series. And this courage is not only reflected in the number of episodes played, but also in the sincerity of the production team. The half-year broadcast has a tight plot and constant climaxes. Even the semi-annual episodes are completed in only two or three minutes. I have to say that the production team is full of sincerity, and I have to say that the script is full of confidence.
As early as when I first learned that this work was produced by the original team of Tianyuan Breakthrough, I decided to chase it. The result was not disappointing, and Tianyuan's style jumped on the screen. If I have to describe it, I think it can only be said to be full of tension. Yes, the imagination is still unrestrained, the interpretation of the name of the big man, the exaggerated action performance, sometimes makes people laugh, sometimes makes people stand upright, all these come together and can only be described by tension. Every episode of this show wraps the audience with its unique tension, substituting it into it, and then shocks every nerve from the inside of the body. This animation's unique way of expression is brought to the extreme by this work.
Only having a unique expressiveness cannot push a work to a masterpiece. Pushing the quality of the work to the extreme requires the depth of the plot. After reading the first few words, many people began to criticize, saying that this seat is brainless and sells meat, and the burn is not enough. Burn or not, it varies from person to person. But the person who made the accusation of mindless meat selling can only be said to have read it without intention and patience. A major theme of this work is the clothes made of fighting life fibers. Although it is designed as an alien creature to enhance the drama and contradiction, I think it is more suggestive of the arrogance and conceit after the evolution of human beings. The protagonist and his party, In the end they all triumphed naked, officially the result of their arrogance after abandoning the Seven Deadly Sins. Therefore, the so-called selling of meat actually increases the viewing degree and at the same time echoes the theme of the work.
When it comes to the plot, we have to talk about the shaping of the characters. The role reversal of this seat is used very cleverly. In the first half of the work, the protagonist is a confused and bad girl, without a clear goal, just blindly rushing forward. On the other hand, the "villain", although using violence and dictatorship, has a clear and clear goal, and from the perspective of the plot, this goal is by no means vulgar and mediocre. In the middle and late stages of the plot, the protagonist experienced a runaway, and after being confused, he took off his immature and blind coat and found his true goal; at this time, the "villain" was also rationally washed white and continued to resist the real The battle of the black hand, and push the plot to a climax. In the battle, although the "villain" Yuan had thoughtful plans and clear goals, he still experienced failure in the end. After he took off his conceited coat and joined forces with the protagonist, he finally defeated the mastermind behind the scenes. The role transformation of the characters turns a corner, and at the same time echoes the double cut of the title, which can be described as exquisite. Let's take a look at the supporting characters, whether it is the protagonist's partner's cuteness and tricks, or the "villain" assistants, the unique background stories and character traits of the four king monkeys, snakes, crickets, and dogs, all of which have raised the fullness of this work to a higher level. The performance of the supporting roles and the interaction between them also effectively ease the rhythm while the main line is going on, making the overall plot development of the work ups and downs, making people addicted.
Finally, I would like to mention the soundtrack of this work. The golden signboard of Sawano Hiroyuki did not let us down. 's rendering adds a huge boost. Kill la kill once again proved to us that burning can be more than just mindless burning, in every way, it will make you full!

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Extended Reading

Kill la Kill quotes

  • Satsuki Kiryuin: Fear is freedom. Subjugation is Liberation. Contradiction is truth.

  • Ragyo Kiryuin: La vie est drôle.

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