Let's call it back to the emperor

Gregorio 2022-03-31 08:01:02

As a Chinese, of course, without a second thought, I would hope that Emperor Hirohito would be brought to a military court to receive a fair and just trial for all the bloody and evil decisions he made. At that time, many countries that were invaded by Japan in World War II, and even Japan, had this idea.
But in the end, Emperor Hirohito and the entire royal family escaped. At first, I wanted to say it was "a fluke", but after thinking about it, politics and human development are actually serious and solemn matters, and their true appearances should not have too many legends and personal emotions. They should be game and compromise, interest and power, fraud and plunder. It is impossible for Emperor Hirohito to decide to meet MacArthur on a whim; MacArthur must not only make a decision that has changed the fate of Japan just because of a meeting with Emperor Hirohito; Washington's final plan must also be made after careful consideration. out. So, although I don't understand this historical fact too deeply, I think all this is the fruit of a political struggle that the two sides have obtained through repeated deliberation and repeated negotiations. The United States certainly does not want Japan to be in the same situation as Germany, and full military control would not be a good outcome; the emperor naturally does not want to be brought to court, nor to see the monarchy overthrown. The interests of the two sides are in conflict, but there are many similarities. Therefore, the emperor and the entire royal family have reservations, and communism has not fully penetrated into Japan.
Politics is never a matter of romance, but the conflict, coordination, confrontation and compromise of the interests of the participants.

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Emperor quotes

  • Aya Shimada: If you understand devotion, you will understand Japan.

  • Koichi Kido: [describing the Supreme Council meeting the on midnight of August 9th, 1945] The Emperor, who was quietly listening, began to speak, "I trust the Allies," he said. "I want to accept their terms. I wish you all to agree with me." The War Minister Anami begged the Emperor, "Emperor, please do not surrender. You must not surrender." The Emperor repeated, "I wish you all to agree with me."

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