It's just nonsense caused by the plot, and has nothing to do with the story itself.

Zackary 2022-12-04 19:22:24

Cheating is not only conscientious and laborious, but also a very test of character and eyesight. Whether it's a real love or a show, when you meet a lover like a pig teammate, don't think about getting together or breaking up. The increasingly boring original partner in the door makes your mind only full of guilt with disgust; the mistress outside the door is nothing more than a coquettish peer, I am afraid that he has no style and only shyness, sticks like mud and can't get rid of it . Either stand in the same place and Kamen will die, no matter whether you advance or retreat, there will be casualties. The misunderstanding is to kill the murderers of ancient and modern China and foreign countries, making everything dead unclear. Silence and imagination are two accomplices. I hope they can all be killed by a man named Frank in the end. Delicate and sensitive people are very considerate when they get better, and their actions are endless; while honest and simple people are as boring as they are reliable. So, let's just drag two~ "Marriage is the grave of love" isn't it just complaining about its monogamy system.

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Extended Reading

The End of the Affair quotes

  • Sarah: Are you on a new book?

    Maurice Bendrix: Of course.

    Sarah: It's not about us, is it? The one you threatened to write?

    Maurice Bendrix: A book takes a year to write. It's too hard work for revenge.

    Sarah: If only you knew how little you had to revenge.

    Maurice Bendrix: I'm joking. We are adults. We knew it had to end some time. Now we can have lunch and talk about your husband.

  • Maurice Bendrix: You have to understand. I'm jealous of everything that moves. I'm jealous of the rain!