The film is "Welcome to the North" director Danny Byrne again directed and starred in a comedy, interpreting a small-town ultra-nationalist frontier story. Although it is not as jubilant and upright and optimistic as "Welcome to the North", it is still a humorous comedy between regional differences. Combining two characters with completely different personalities together creates a lot of extraordinary and extraordinary smiles. Playing all kinds of unique Belgian and French jokes, conflicting collisions between races and traditions, picking bones for eggs, and even drinking water dry. When the two of them work together as partners, they are so applauded and full of fun. Maybe we won't understand too many jokes about the differences between the languages of their two countries, but the two people who can't love each other can still fully understand the separation between the two nations. Having seen too many American shit and piss spoofs, it would be a light attempt not to be missed to come to a traditional comedy in a French border town.
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