One should not be arrogant, nor should one be ashamed

Shana 2022-11-20 00:09:11

Odyssey, the king of Ithaca, led his army on an expedition to Troy at the request of Agamemnon, leaving his newborn son and beloved wife, Troy's ten-year battle was won because of his Trojan horse, so he shouted to the gods , to the effect: I Odyssey, a mortal man with flesh and blood, with a head and a brain, used his wisdom to conquer Troy, a city that was once blessed by the gods as an invincible city, I no longer need you, I can do it myself Anything...Unfortunately, his words angered Poseidon, the god of the sea, who cursed him to drift on the sea forever and never return to his hometown of Ithaca.

Despite the curse of the sea god, Odyssey resolutely decided to return to Ithaca. The fog on the road caused him to be separated from the Greek fleet. After that, he experienced many difficulties and dangers during his ten years of drifting at sea. The Cyclops ate his companions. , the goddess Circe turned his companion into a pig by witchcraft, and kept him on the island; he went to the edge of the Yinghai, which surrounded the earth, and saw many ghosts of the past; escaped the bewitching people of the banshee siren The song, escaped the monsters Charybdis and Scylla, and finally the goddess Calypso, after staying with Odysseus for several years, agreed to let him go back. He arrived in the land of the Feixes and recounted the sea adventures of the past nine years to King Alquinos, who sent a ship to take him back to his homeland.

I saw this movie when I was a kid, but now it seems to have a deeper inspiration. The hardest thing for me to forget is a line in it, "I'm just a mortal, and I don't have to be arrogant or inferior." This sentence has a deep memory for me.
The film also describes his firm love with his wife Penelope, he said to the goddess Calypso: All the women in the world are not as beautiful as you, but I only love my Penelope, as a goddess Said, you and I can have eternal life, Odysseus replied, I would rather lie in my wife's arms like a man, even for a quiet moment, than leave her and live forever. This movie and this story captivated me in many ways. It is the dream of many people that a person is blessed by God because of his wisdom and bravery. There are also rights and love. The heroes in these fairy tales fascinate us and are worth learning from.

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Extended Reading

The Odyssey quotes

  • Odysseus: Is easy to be angry!

  • Odysseus: I would rather lie in my wife's arms for a moment than to spend forever without her.