Black Daffodils - Withered Life

Trycia 2022-09-23 03:44:58

The natives are portrayed in innocence and childishness, represented by the muted holy man of the old man sitting on his tree in eternal meditation; the unbridled exoticism represented by the young general and Kanchi of Eastern mysticism. Kanchi, like a man of the Holy Spirit, never speaks, her silence is in stark contrast to the increasingly hysterical voices of her cool, seductive "outlier" sisters. Also, in an unfamiliar environment, "the wind never stops blowing, the air is so clear that you can see too far," Black Narcissus, also mocking the exotic and different, especially at the moment Shabu announced, The title of his perfume "Black Narcissus" is available in Army and Navy stores.

Mr. Dean can be seen as the leader of the land, wearing brightly coloured clothing like the locals, bare arms and legs, exuding a vigorous vitality. And all this is in sharp contrast to the nuns who are all dressed in white. In a moment of crisis, he felt a monastery shirtless, and this moment gave me a strange feeling, even a hint of eroticism in it. During their long relationship, Clodagh began to develop an affection for Dean, because this subtle emotion reminded Clodagh of a former love, the man who abandoned her for America. And all this is what led to Clodagh becoming a nun. Another nun, Lucy, also likes Mr. Dean. She does not suppress her feelings like Clodagh, but chooses to leave the convent, violate her beliefs, and express her love to Dean. Compared to Clodagh, the director's portrayal of Lucy is bolder, and the expression of her desires is more direct.

However, Mr. Dean did not accept Lucy, which made Lucy crazy.

When Lucy and Clodagh meet directly, it is also said that the film gradually pushes to a climax.

On a hopeful morning, Clodagh went to ring the bell as usual when Lucy appeared behind her like a ghost from hell and tried to push Clodagh off the edge of the cliff. Unexpectedly, he fell down.

Clodagh decided to leave this sad place after seeing all this. Before leaving, she gave him her hand, and he had a moment of love.

Dean, Clodagh, Lucy are all repressive personalities. Lucy chose to release this repression, and then this excessive release caused her to deviate from her beliefs, thus leading to an abyss of death. Dean and Clodagh are the same, they suppressed their love for each other until the day they separated, they could not get each other's affirmation.

Freud believed that sensibility and reason coexist, and the two are evenly matched. Whether it is emotion over rationality or rationality over emotion, it is an unhealthy state. Resentment, love, and certain strong and primal passions and desires. These feelings are mostly unpleasant and not accepted by most people's living codes. So it is repressed and out of the realm of consciousness, they are buried deep in the unconscious, so ordinary people do not know that they have these immoral ideas in themselves. The human subconscious is against morality and ethics, so it must give up the desire to be satisfied in real life and retreat, and have to return from the principle of hedonism to the principle of realism; and the realm of imagination and fantasy is a refuge. It is precisely because of the unconscious subconsciousness that Lucy fell into a castle of hatred, so he could never recover.

The whole film is filled with the suppression of human nature by religious beliefs. They repeat their daily time like walking dead. Does the existence of all these behaviors really have practical significance? How can a bunch of sick people give others hope and a future? Human nature and desire are always a deep and difficult problem.

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Black Narcissus quotes

  • Sister Clodagh: We all need discipline. You said yourself they're like children. Without discipline we should all behave like children.

    Mr. Dean: Oh. Don't you like children, Sister?

  • The Old General: Do you see that crate? Sausages! They will eat sausages. Europeans eat sausages wherever they go.