chrysanthemum and sword

Ayla 2022-03-22 08:01:02

This film is said to be very successful. It swept the Asian Film Festival and won numerous awards. It has an excellent reputation among the audience and praised it at home and abroad. The box office should also be very impressive. It is a rare good work that achieves a balance between art and business. I also like it very much, thinking that this excellent film will become a classic in Japanese film history and will be liked by a wide range of people across time and space, because she is very good at both character development and storytelling.

Generally speaking, the most important thing in a good art work is to portray a person, and it is easier for the audience to remember a character with a distinct personality and characteristics, and then the work. Some characters even become cultural, such as Yue Bu, who represents a hypocrite. Qun, the undefeated Dongfang who is neither male nor female, the Darth Vader who is indistinguishable between good and evil, the wise and foolish Forrest Gump, the forever satisfied Ah Q... This movie is named after the protagonist of the story, Twilight Kiyobei, and the whole movie revolves around him. It unfolds and creates an alien who combines classical Chinese civilization and modern independent thought.

Confucius' "The Analects of Confucius" appeared many times in the movie. As a warrior, Qingbingwei himself was doing arithmetic and arithmetic work in the warehouse. He was proficient in six arts and martial arts. , Qing Bingwei can be said to have mastered the essence of Chinese Confucian culture - benevolence.
Benevolence, the benevolent love others. Qingbingwei loves himself, loves his senile mother, loves his daughters, loves his friends, and loves the childhood sweetheart Miss Pengjiang. If these are just selfish, he tries to be polite to uncles he doesn't like, and he is also caring and friendly to his domestic servants. When he sees the farmers who died because of the famine, he has sympathy, even for enemies, such as insulting his friends. Koda who hurt Pengjiang, Koda used a long sword, he only knocked it out with a wooden stick, even if it was Yuwu Zenemon who was fighting for life and death, he also maintained the greatest restraint - on the eve of the battle, he said that he was long gone" Ferocious as a tiger, cold enough to risk his life." With the heart of the sword, during the war, he also always planned to let Eemon to survive.
What is even more rare is that Qing Bingwei himself is capable of literature and martial arts, but he does not seek knowledge. Let's be happy.

Qingbingwei is not a pure ancient person. He also has some modern ideas, very similar to the "equality, freedom, and fraternity" proposed in the Western Enlightenment.
As mentioned above, although he is a samurai, he has no obvious sense of hierarchy. He is engaged in farming and making a living by hand and is not ashamed. He only maintains basic etiquette for his superiors and even the elderly. The ignorant loyalty of the ruler wants the subject to die, and the subject has to die.” This was especially evident on the night when the patriarch ordered him to kill Uemon. His superiors knelt down on the ground, and did not dare to disobey the patriarch’s orders in the slightest. It is an honor to be able to fight to the death, but Kiyobei ​​has always refused to accept the order. In the end, he was forced to reluctantly agree. There is no such thing as the so-called generosity of Bushido. His various behaviors are definitely "outliers" among the samurai.
He is a martial artist, and he is also a very wise person from the point of view of his occasionally exposed edge. In fame and fortune. He works in the warehouse with only 50 shi of Lumi. His mother is ill, his daughter needs to be brought up for the rest of his life, his wife is ill, and he has to borrow money when he finally buries his wife. Even so, he has been hiding his skills and talents, even if he is a farmer, it doesn't matter. These are the free choices of Qingbingwei.
In the face of his daughters, he has no parental air, but is very kind, peaceful and honest. He also encourages children to study hard, not because of Confucian self-cultivation and self-cultivation, but because reading can make the country and the world peaceful. People "think independently"! This kind of thinking of Qingbingwei is really too advanced, and the knowledge of many parents in China is far less than his.
Miss Pengjiang and Qingbingwei cherish each other not only because they are childhood sweethearts, but because they are similar in thinking. Qingbingwei disapproved of the hierarchy, while Pengjiang took the children to watch the performances of farmers and handicraftsmen. He was also critical of elders and rules, and was fearless in the face of his arrogant ex-husband Koda. Its image has changed from the usual submissiveness of women in Japanese TV, and it has begun to take the shape of a modern free woman. A beautiful and independent woman like her was so precious in that closed era. If she married a non-human person, she would be unhappy in her life. Only someone like Qingbingwei was considered a good match, so she herself offered to marry Dusk Qingbingwei.
As a samurai, Qingbingwei was on the eve of the Meiji Restoration at the end of the Shogunate. He had received an old Japanese education since he was a child, and he had never received a new education or been influenced by the West, but he naturally developed a modern idea of ​​freedom and equality. , I have to say that it is an anomaly, I can only attribute this to the independent thinking of Qingbingwei.

If the characters in the movie just come here, Qingbingwei can only be regarded as a Japanese high-level book that combines ancient and modern. It is too perfect. Fortunately, there are two compromises at the end-Qingbingwei goes against his personal will to kill Yu Wushan Right Guard Menhe confesses to Miss Pengjiang before the war.
Qingbingwei has no intention of fame and independent thinking, but as a samurai of the old era, he still has to obey the orders of the family elders, even if it may take his own life. On the eve of the war, Qingbingwei still couldn't resist his feelings and invited Miss Pengjiang. The reason was of course for other reasons. For example, she couldn't clean her hair, but Miss Pengjiang also knew that this was because Qingbingei couldn't let go of her heart in the face of the life-and-death battle. Not long ago, he took the initiative to reject Pengjiang's proposal to marry him, but this time he couldn't help but start expressing excitedly, from childhood dreams to youth love poured out, we only know that in his perseverance Such a deep and intense emotion lurks beneath the gentle exterior.
These two compromises are undoubtedly against the rationality of Kiyobei ​​- for the former, he has no hatred with Youemon, and he even admires the integrity of Youemon. For the latter, when he rejected Pengjiang's proposal, he was worried that she would be wronged because of his poverty, but he proposed to marry him in the face of a life-and-death struggle. But it is precisely because of this that the character of Qingbingwei is completely full. Humans have both rationality and sensibility. They completely suppress their feelings and only choose rationality. That is just a robot. It is a dead person. , his little helplessness and selfishness make his shaping more real and profound.

Let's talk narrative.
The film progresses with two main lines, and the clues are run through by the narration of the old little daughter. The main body of the movie starts from the funeral of Qingbingwei's deceased wife and ends when Pengjiang agrees to Qingbingwei's proposal. The relationship between the two is the first main line, and the other main line is "What kind of person is Qingbingwei at dusk?" These two main lines are together. Advancing is always implicated, I call it chrysanthemum and sword - chrysanthemum refers to the calm and persistent Pengjiang, and sword refers to Qingbingwei who hides his edge and fame. The plot of the movie is driven by these two clues, and it is natural to have twists and turns.
Qingbingwei lost his wife, so his uncle asked for a continuation. At this time, Pengjiang, a friend of Qingbingwei's friend, had also divorced. The combination of the two was possible. The encounter between the two also evoked memories of Qingbingwei's youth. The ex-husband Jiatian went to a friend's house to make trouble and beat Pengjiang. Qingbingwei had to teach Jiatian a lesson. At this point, Qingbingwei's identity began to reveal the first layer. He had studied the Kodachi swordsmanship under the master of Toda Rensai, and so far there has been dramatic tension - why is he so good at being a low-level samurai and so poor? And the first contest in the film also has two effects: Pengjiang's feelings for Qingbingwei deepened and Yu Wushan's right guard appeared. In the middle of the movie, Pengjiang's brother finally proposed marriage on his behalf, but the unexpected Qingbingwei refused, and the story took a second turning point. It was also in this riverside dialogue that the situation in the domain was getting more and more tense. Eemon's resistance paved the way. Soon the film ushered in a climax, that is, the third turning point - Youemon betrayed and murdered, and Qingbei was forced to be ordered to show his sincerity before the war. The identity of Qingbingwei has been revealed so far. He is not a villain under Master Toda at all, but a dojo instructor. He can be regarded as the first master of the small sword. His opponent Uemon also showed his ability to kill the enemy with one sword. Knife technique. Qingbingwei confessed his true feelings, but Pengjiang has already agreed to someone else's marriage contract. It was in such a desolate and desperate mood that Qingbingwei walked into the land of death and life. The room is also a series of good scenes. In a tense atmosphere and a cramped environment, the life trajectory of Eemon is explained. He is a respectable but unfortunate samurai, and he is very similar to Kiyobei. In the end, Qing Bingwei narrowly won, and the movie also left us with a turning point-Miss Pengjiang did not leave, but waited hard, implying that the two were finally married. This concludes the main part.
Although the movie selected only a certain life segment of Qingbingwei, but through ingenious dialogues and arrangements, he explained his life very clearly without any hassle, without any burdens, and the plot and feelings both accumulated until the last repression broke out. I especially like the clean ending of this movie at its climax.

In this film, time is the transition period between ancient Japan and modern times, and the main character is an alien who combines classical temperament and modern thinking. Storytelling and characterization are combined, business and art are combined, and chrysanthemum and sword are finally combined. , the most important thing is that it has the distinctive characteristics of Japanese films: the rhythm is slow, the details are exquisite, the emotion is restrained, and the picture is quiet and beautiful.
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The Twilight Samurai quotes

  • Kayano Iguchi: Father, If I learn to do needlework someday I can make kimonos. But what good will book learning ever do me?

    Seibei Iguchi: Well, it probably won't ever be as useful as needlework. But you know, book learning gives you the power to think. However the world might change, if you have the power to think you'll always survive somehow. That's true for boys and for girls. All right?

    Kayano Iguchi: Yes.

  • Seibei Iguchi: I am ashamed to say that over many years of hardship with two daughters, a sick wife and an aged mother, I have lost the desire to wield a sword. A serious fight, the killing of a man, requires animal ferocity and calm disregard for one's own life. I have neither of those within me now. Perhaps in a month... alone with the beasts in the hills I could get them back. But tomorrow, I am afraid, is completely impossible.