Who does he love?

Gloria 2022-12-22 14:39:42

Revisit Lubitsch's masterpiece Trouble in Paradise.
I remember the first time I watched it two years ago. At that time, I was ignorant. I only knew that it was a famous director's masterpiece. I downloaded it as if I had completed the task. I liked it very much after reading it.
But these are just rose-colored bubbles, not uncommon in old Hollywood, so what's so special about this step?
It is probably the sophistication and cunning of Europeans unique to Lubitsch.
Him, Gaston.
The elegant thief who goes into and out of the upper class has a more elegant conversation and more extensive knowledge than the European aristocrats, and people don't care about his legal disgrace.
The man would say, "I want the moonlight to melt in the champagne."
But he met Mariette.
This is an old bottle of new wine for medieval knights and ladies.
A friend said it well, a man falls in love with Mariette.
Otherwise, the wealth of the enemy country, the beauty of the city, and a lonely heart are all Yishu's yellow roses.
And only this woman would say: "He wants a hundred thousand francs, but I thought he wanted me."
But there is also a ghostly Lily, who is not only excellent in craftsmanship, but also extremely intelligent, and she will say: "If you act rudely, I will break your neck."
Moreover, she has a trump card, she has nothing to worry about, and can "walk the world for love".
Mariette would never be able to do it, she would never leave Paris for a long stay, and she would even persuade Gaston to change careers.
Change career? That's a career that Gaston lives and is proud of. Letting him give up his career is a bit difficult.
Or a little earlier.
Maybe one day in the future, luck will run out, starvation and cold, and labor will return to the Lord. At that time, there was no way to avoid it, and it was up to fate. Or harvest the mountains at the right time, like Robbie, the "black cat" of Calle Glenn in "To Catch a Thief", in the vineyards of the French Riviera, fishing and watching the sunset every day, or drinking wine with three or two old friends.
But then later, Gaston still has countless great achievements to complete, and he has to go in and out of the Geneva Peace Bank countless times to take away everything other than peace.
What about Mariette? Mariette is a beautiful rose garden on the side of the road. Gaston accidentally broke in, took a nap, plucked a rose and pinned it to the placket, and went to the next dinner party, and took away 100,000 francs. Cash, sea clam bead necklace and diamond-encrusted handbag.
He left happily, but the wound of the rose he cut off could never heal, and the fragrance of roses remained on the front of his clothes forever.
“The compliment of Colet and Company.”

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Extended Reading

Trouble in Paradise quotes

  • Mariette Colet: What are you going to do with my day tomorrow, Monsieur La Valle?

    Gaston Monescu: Well, we'll have breakfast in the garden together.

    Mariette Colet: Mm-hmm.

    Gaston Monescu: Then horseback riding together.

    Mariette Colet: Mm-hmm.

    Gaston Monescu: Then lunch in the bois.

    Mariette Colet: Together.

    Gaston Monescu: Then, I would say, a little nap.

    Mariette Colet: To-


  • Mariette Colet: How do you like my new dress?

    Gaston Monescu: Beautiful.

    Mariette Colet: Hair?

    Gaston Monescu: Marvelous.

    Mariette Colet: [leans forward] Lipstick?

    Gaston Monescu: [leans forward] Crimson.

    Mariette Colet: Correct. Good night.

    Gaston Monescu: Good night.

    Mariette Colet: Good night.