"When you truly desire something, the entire universe joins forces to help you get it done."

Viviane 2022-10-30 18:00:01

The film has very polarized reviews. Those who see it as demonizing it as a cult is too superficial. If you slowly and carefully feel the essence, you may find that it really makes sense and is very real.

[The so-called Law of Attraction, also known as the Law of Attraction, means that everything in the world is composed of energy or vibration frequency, and the same vibration frequency attracts each other and causes resonance. Human consciousness is also a type of energy, positive thoughts will lead to positive results, whereas negative energy will attract bad results. ]

To summarize the secrets of success highlighted in the film are:

1. You have to know what you really want (bicycle, money, house, beauty, love, happiness, etc. anything), you have to imagine it has happened. Spend some time every day immersing yourself in this imagination, putting yourself in a state of having something, and being happy with it (this is the most important thing, if you can't feel happy because of it, you are not doing well Prepare).

2. Be grateful every day.

3. Get rid of any negative things you don't want (otherwise they will be attracted to you).

4. Focus only on the things you enjoy that make you happy.

5. Follow your inspiration and move towards your goals. (The thing you want has been attracted to you, the flash is the universe reminding you to continue, so you need to take the first step, and get happiness from it, you will get what you want)

If you attract this The law may be better understood simply as the subconscious mind.
I don't know if thinking can turn things around, but I've always believed in the subconscious. ——If you never think about many things, the chance of happening is very small, but it is easy to happen if you keep thinking about it. Constant psychological suggestion will produce qualitative change. Whether it is a love path or interpersonal relationship, whether it is success or failure in doing things or liking habits. Positive and optimistic winners will always continue to succeed, pessimistic and negative losers can only get more and more "unlucky". So it makes sense to say "everything goes for the best".

Lying in bed every day no matter how hard you fantasize about anything, nothing will come of it. But if you are ready to get something, and work toward that goal, always stay optimistic and happy (because you believe it will succeed or that it has succeeded in your subconscious). Imagine a grateful person who is always looking forward to happiness. He has a wish he wants to achieve, and is willing to follow his own ideas to do what he likes, so what reason is there to fail?

As for this movie, take the best of it and get rid of the dross. Or you can see it purely as a sci-fi inspirational movie (not to be exaggerated or extreme).

One of the central ideas I liked about this movie and I have always believed: God doesn't know what your life will be like, only you are your own creator, and you determine your life and future. All misfortunes are of your own making and self-inflicted, and all happiness is also in your own hands.

Believe it or not: )

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Extended Reading

The Secret quotes

  • Bob Proctor: Now, if you don't understand it, that doesn't mean that you should reject it. You don't understand electricity probably. First of all, no one even knows what electricity is. And yet you enjoy the benefits of it. Do you know how it works? I don't know how it works. But I do know this: that you can cook a man's dinner with electricity; and you can also cook the man.

  • Michael Beckwith: It has been proven now, scientifically, that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.