Everything you wanted to know about gentleman

Timothy 2022-11-29 22:03:59

In the eyes of the world, the gentry in England has always been a well-known and quite private existence. This group has its own unique language, its own unique aesthetic, its own group, and what seems to be a shared secret. In this series, this most unique and oldest private group is presented to the world in a lighthearted and humorous way.

The young owner, Bertie Wooster, graduated from Oxford and set up a busy club with a group of friends who have nothing to do but love to make trouble. They don't worry about property, they don't worry about marriage, they don't worry about the past, they don't worry about the future. They have a prudent and stable work and rest, ranging from regular vacations to country houses, to small tea drinks every morning, all have self-disciplined and relaxed arrangements. It seems that their only trouble is the elder relatives who often come uninvited, and the only trouble is that the favorite collection is snatched by others. The tone of the film is always clear skies and no sadness can last longer than 10 seconds.

And this life doesn't seem as solid as it seems. This seems to be thanks to the gentleman's personal gentleman represented by Fry's Jeeves - gentleman's personal gentleman. They are resourceful and always able to save the day when it matters; they are polite and always seem more gentleman than their masters style. They are the symbol of the gentleman's spirit, so they make the gentleman's spirit last for a hundred years. And the core of this show is to show everything about the gentlemen from their point of view. The director seems to want to convey to us the fact that the huge empire on which the sun never sets is built on such two groups that coexist ambiguous.

Just like in traditional cross talk, there is always a hilarious character and a funny character. It seems that the source of every comedy's life is a pair of partners who can break out the humorous factor and dedicate the dramatic conflict. They are usually tall and short, fat and thin, which constitutes a comedy effect visually; one of them is smart and witty, the other is confused, and forms a comic conflict in words and deeds; one of them is aggressive, and the other is modest and polite, filling the comedy in character. color. They appear to be unequal but display extraordinary harmony. And comedy is often about showing how conflict can coexist with harmony.

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Jeeves and Wooster quotes

  • Bertie: And if *that* doesn't leave me without a stain on my conscience, then I don't know *what* it doesn't leave me without a stain on.

  • Jeeves: Am I to infer sir that you might be offering yourself for election?

    Bertie: Your inference is as always slap on the button and leading by a length in the final furlong, Jeeves.