one day floating

Rosalia 2022-03-29 08:01:02

In the boring day after day, I used to think over and over again, what I want, what I still lack, what I have, what I love, what I fear, what am I What I don't want to face the most is what I'm most afraid of losing.
Life is a one-way street full of countless missteps. Everyone wakes up the same way, opens their eyes, puts their feet on the ground, and faces the new day in countless ways. This new day is so ordinary but precious. Because no one knows, this day may just be a continuation of yesterday, and this day may suddenly become the end of life. On this day, across all time zones on earth, all countries, all races. All life is full of joy, sadness, longing for new life, helplessness for suffering life, devotion to faith, and pursuit of ideals in life. These beautiful and depressing lives all share the same possibility: to live.
Choosing the same day in the different lives of countless people can actually piece together a life that is almost complete. In this pieced together life, we can always see sad scenes in happiness and blooming hope in brokenness. Such as a mother suffering from cancer, such as a journalist documenting the real situation in Afghanistan. We see tears, which come from countless emotions: the wife who misses her husband from afar, the grateful patient lying on the hospital bed, the little boy who was running around in the last second. We see hard life, from different countries and nations: a little boy who shines shoes for a living, a gardener working in Dubai, a family living on a boat, a family building a simple shack in the jungle, fourteen people crammed in a narrow A single father in the house who still believes in God. We see different kinds of love: golden married couples, newly married couples, young gay men calling their grandma, boys who failed in their pursuit of girls, couples who let go of the lanterns together. We also see killing, war, violence, and restless passion and pain: white bulls slaughtered, lambs with their throats cut, American soldiers dancing, fist-fighting people, uncontrolled marching crowds. In all of this, I have an overwhelming love and abhorrence for human emotion and behavior.
For human emotions, perhaps thinking about my own emotions. I felt lost, without a sense of existence, but at the same time, I was hopeful and always worked hard. Maybe I haven't felt good about life because I haven't seen the real heaven of life, and maybe I haven't felt the real hell of life.
On the road of life, I have always been looking for in hesitation. I may not understand why I am looking for it. I just set off silently, or I have to set off. In the days of traveling through countless boring years, I want to accomplish something grand. Dreams, but sometimes feel helpless. It's been a long time since I saw the person I love, and it's been a long time since I thought about what was important to me. It has been a long time since I lived my own life seriously and attentively on an ordinary and boring day, experiencing all the ups and downs.

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Life in a Day quotes

  • Man: I actually love my refrigerator. It's such a cool thing. It remains at one corner. It keeps its mouth shut. I love my refrigerator. Nothing else but my refrigerator!