Turtles can't fly after all.

Alexanne 2022-12-15 18:38:17

Purely personal, rambling thoughts, with no structure at all. Written on 2009.06.29

I just can't extricate myself from the explosion of that mine.

When I first saw the introduction of this movie, I was interested in it because of the word "turtle" in the name. It's a seemingly hopeful title, but its synopsis is too brutal to let go.

["Satellite" took charge of the information reception of several nearby villages with a little scientific and technological knowledge, and became the king of children, and these children who were at his command depended on digging mines to reselling to make money. Many of them are incapacitated children, blind and deaf, lacking arms and legs, and the war has left a deep imprint on them. But their lives are still full of laughter and laughter, and they are undoubtedly happy compared to those adults who watch the war all day around the TV. And another clue in the film, a boy with a broken arm and a girl who gave birth to a blind baby after being raped by the Iraqi army, throws a fierce glimpse of the war in silent silence. The war is an eternal pain in their hearts, which not only makes them dare not look back, but even makes them lose the courage to look forward. The girl eventually drowned the baby and jumped off a cliff. ]

Such an untouched film. The part where the background music appears in the whole film is only a few minutes, and the gray sky never leaks the sun. It was set off by the sound of artillery fire and loud shouts. I'm wondering why Kurdish children shout at their voices.

I like that little boy named Xue Ke who follows the satellite all day long. He always cried at inexplicable moments, crying so much that the satellites couldn't do anything about him. He said that I wouldn't let him ride your bicycle, and he wanted to snatch it and beat me. He said don't go to the satellite, let me go. Satellite is a good guy. So he didn't want the satellite to venture into a minefield that could explode at any moment. After the satellite's leg was blown, he was still crying. In the end, the American high-grade red goldfish he gave to the satellite, the blood-red pigment stained a bag of water.

They are always naively thinking that the more land mines are dug and the more money they make, the better their lives will be.

After the introduction, I thought Agrin hated her son. Well she does hate it. But hate, how could he cover him with a blanket and kiss his cheek when he was abandoned? When he left, he turned back three steps. She was so desperate that she didn't say hello to her brother, she threw the child into the lake and jumped off the cliff herself. The child drowned in the mother's despair.

There was never hope in this girl's eyes.

The three-year-old is blind. He felt the rain with his mouth and face. He yells daddy to the huge gunhole. He escaped his mother's murder countless times with the help of his uncle. He threw two turtles into a depression on the ground: I want them to swim into the sea!

His ignorant ignorance caused the satellite to hurt a leg. My heart skipped a beat when he hit the mine.

As a result, he escaped this disaster, but he was still tied with a stone by his mother and thrown into the river. The tortoise tried to swim upstream, and his body kept sinking to the bottom.

many children. Lost arms, lost a leg. What is it to them. You can still run fast on crutches, and dig mines with your mouth much more efficiently than UN experts. Why do they know so much about landmines? Because they were bombed by landmines.

Whether Saddam is in power or Americans are in power, they still have to live in fear after all.

Turtles can't fly after all.

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  • Agrin: teach them math and science!

    Satellite: they know math and science. they have to learn how to shoot now!