say something

Kacie 2022-09-09 17:01:42

The main plot of robbery, betrayal, prison, trap, church, can't be said to be new
. There are other points.
The first film has a lot of shadows. For example, while the violence is carried out, there is a little sense of chatting. It feels like Tarantino. The eyes of vengeance have a taste of the Coen brothers.
Second, there is a refreshing plot, that is, the gangster Petty suddenly exploded his head while playing with a gun, and then the body was put into the trunk and sent to the slaughterhouse to make it. Although the handling of the corpse by Meatloaf still reminds people of , it is after all an epiphany in the film. The
third few scenes are not handled well. There is a scene in which a man forces a woman to confess. In fact, the effect can be enhanced. It was a more thorough breakout of patriarchal power, but this section in the film simply ends with an over-the-shoulder shot of a woman being beaten and sitting on the ground. It is a little gentle, and it's like a Russian gangster scene, which is traditionally tied with her feet and drowned in a pool. The way the camera is handled is also very law-abiding. At the end of the film, there is a chase scene that is also routine. Jumping between two single shots and finally ending with a tram blocking the chaser's path feels normal.

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Extended Reading

Setup quotes

  • [first lines]

    Sonny: When I was younger I wanted to be a priest. I was going into the battle to save men's souls from the evil of the world. But as I got older, I saw the world for what it really was. It wasn't so much who I was going to save, but what was going to save the world from me.

  • [last lines]

    Sonny: A man once said, an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. As I was not my brother's keeper, neither was I his killer. I could live the the fact that Vincent was still alive. The question was, could he?