Brief comment on the puzzle

Ernest 2022-09-09 23:27:16

... as i got older, i saw the world for what it really was, it wasn't so much who i was going to save, but who was gonna save the world from me. There was a desire to destroy everything at the beginning, and at the end But there was no grievance.
That butcher, that hamburger, can't stand it, but it makes me want to laugh a little bit at the joy of seeing the butcher dismembering petey.
The biggest feeling is that everything is naked, whether it's Sonny's friend telling him not to come back because it's bad for business, or Mia sleeping with the jewelry store for a robbery, or some boss johnny saying if Biggs come to me, I Will hand you over, this's business. Everything is a deal, naked, and they're able to say it all, don't know whether to praise them for being straight, or stick to the whitewash we're used to, or hypocrisy?
setup? Are they trapped in a puzzle, or is human nature trapped in a trap?

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Extended Reading

Setup quotes

  • [first lines]

    Sonny: When I was younger I wanted to be a priest. I was going into the battle to save men's souls from the evil of the world. But as I got older, I saw the world for what it really was. It wasn't so much who I was going to save, but what was going to save the world from me.

  • [last lines]

    Sonny: A man once said, an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. As I was not my brother's keeper, neither was I his killer. I could live the the fact that Vincent was still alive. The question was, could he?