God, Love, Promise... Well, what the hell are we supposed to believe?

Wayne 2022-10-09 04:08:02

In order to appreciate the man Ralph Fiennes, I turned inside and out of the wall and didn't finish it.

God. God is probably a CEO who is responsible for signing and overseeing.

love. Love from the Garden of Eden is the forbidden fruit, and there is no cure. Those who claim to have escaped into the empty door are mostly in vain, otherwise they would not be the blood of Adam and Eve.

promise. People born guilty must repent, repentance means commitment, commitment means responsibility, responsibility means dignity, and dignity is everything to a person of faith.

The tragedy of Sarah, Maurice, Henry is that God didn't let them know when he/she loved her/him. When he/she finally found out, God mercilessly took her/him away.

God, love and commitment, people will never understand.

Some things never need to be known.

Some things never need explanation.

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The End of the Affair quotes

  • Sarah: Are you on a new book?

    Maurice Bendrix: Of course.

    Sarah: It's not about us, is it? The one you threatened to write?

    Maurice Bendrix: A book takes a year to write. It's too hard work for revenge.

    Sarah: If only you knew how little you had to revenge.

    Maurice Bendrix: I'm joking. We are adults. We knew it had to end some time. Now we can have lunch and talk about your husband.

  • Maurice Bendrix: You have to understand. I'm jealous of everything that moves. I'm jealous of the rain!