The love in the second dimension is moving (=*^_^*=)

Elsa 2022-03-28 08:01:02

Strong spoilers and boring personal grumbles. Enter with caution.

I don't know if it's the same person's journal that I found in the next film recently, but I've seen this decadent male pig's feet repeatedly.

I love this movie. I like it so much that I want to write something as a souvenir.
I like poetry, so such a film with poetic lines and picturesque scenes undoubtedly caters to my heart. More importantly, what he discussed was exactly what I liked the most in my life. That is: when facing true love, we must face timidity, doubt, rejection, and thoughts that cannot be given up.

Lila's mother said he looked like a homesick sailor.
He drifted on the boundless sea, just like the teachings of Buddhism, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless. In fact, he knew that turning back was the shore, and he even carved in his heart the land that could inhabit his soul millions of times. However, he dared not. Like I've been trying to escape. I don't know why, I don't understand. He doesn't understand either. It is a kind of unspoken timidity, the more deeply you love, the more fit, the more you retreat.

Actually I envy him. him and her. At least high-level words can kill me in seconds. Then I saw the old English blurted out, and I was completely blown away. Saying this is to say that their souls are interdependent.

A recurring phrase in the movie is "you inspired me". You are my inspiration. When someone becomes your inspiration, you will find that your life is not yours, but hers. I think this is why Pushkin wrote love words to Kane with such beautiful words, and even wrote in "To Kane": As soon as the dead soul is resurrected, I think of you. Kane was Pushkin's muse, and Bolkino - a village. I even think Bolkino is his inspiration. Hehe, by the way, Pushkin has Bolkino, Ye Ci has Howth. When will I also find a city that inspires my creative inspiration,

Ye Ci Yeats.

In this film, Ye Ci's poems are the most beautiful and splendid props. Ye Ci's love is unrequited love and despair.

Unrequited love is the perfect romantic construct, it allows two cowardly people to act out a fantasy of love, Lila said. , From here, the possibility of Lila, who also studied English literature, as a lover of male pig's feet is completely denied. Because she couldn't understand Ye Ci's heart. However, Ye Ci is the foundation of love between men and women. By the way, the woman Ye Ci pursued throughout his life not only repeatedly rejected him while he was alive, but even refused to attend his funeral. Even so, Ye Ci's many beautiful poems in her life were written only to her. Well, "When You're Old" is famous. Just to that Mao De Gang.

I saw that some people put the adjective "fuck" on the male pig's feet, and I think it's okay.

No matter how I look at it, I feel that he is distracted. Although distracted and confused are similar expressions, there is still a difference. However, to be honest, when he stood by the sea, his eyes were really hopeless like the end of the world. [I once used this sentence to hook up with a male classmate. Hook up is to hook up, but I feel more and more, it seems that my eyes are biased, this classmate is actually a science male! ! Not a literary man! ! Oh, my short-lived literary whining, in the corner. 】

The screenwriter and director use the ingenious passage of combing his hair in the morning to express his indecision vividly. I think it really doesn't matter to him whether Lila is Lila or not, and it will be another woman if not Lila. I even think he chose Lila because he thought he could build the same soul bridge as Laura with another girl who studied literature and had the same foundation.

Can he?


However, it seems that everyone thinks that the male pig's feet are fucked because he is wandering between the two women and can't decide. In fact, he said it himself, he didn't want both, he wanted to escape the fear of falling into the abyss [=love]. When dizzy with love, he tries to find himself, he tries to be rational. Everyone knows that the more struggling at this time, the more emotional, the more wrong decisions will be made. In fact, even Laura, she also changed cities, changed boyfriends and changed jobs [I think, changing jobs means leaving literature and leaving Ye Ci], but she found that everything was meaningless: the people she misses can't be forgotten. Time cannot be wiped clean, and even more corroded, deeply touching the soul.

Before she came to the wedding, she must have been mentally prepared, ready to bless them, and ready to see them grow old. But without even looking at each other, just breathing the air you spit in the same space, I was rekindled by your love. I burn myself, I won't let you go. In fact, at this point, the end is basically set. Their love is as deep as our country's firewall, and no one can shake it. Even if the two of them don't end up together at the end of the movie, I reckon they will eventually come together on the outer edge of the movie decades later. Even if they can't be together, their souls are still together. never separated.

We are lovers and we cannot but love. - Duras.

I like this kind of love that can only live in the second dimension.

Even if it is full of betrayal, hurt, deceit, and contradictions, the artistic love is still beautiful and attractive. With gear like poetry, "the romantics" lives up to its name. Love is exaggerated affection. I often say this myself, but I think that I still think that love is a very high-level feeling in the underlying consciousness. Love doesn't need a pledge, it doesn't need to last forever, or even, in my opinion, it doesn't need complete loyalty. But love is higher than other feelings. I don't know why I have such an ambivalent understanding of love. Moreover, after countless negative words, affirmative arguments can also be given. Sure enough, it is destined to write a bad issue. . .

I also have to mention the bunch of fox friends. What a mess. It is obvious that he is tired of living and can't find fun. Dare to play anything. Granted, I think having a group of friends like this would be happier than being surrounded by rigid people, but the problem is that these people are all trying to break free, they're all trying to find something, and they can't see the light at all. The more you struggle, the more futile the

movie ends. It's good, it's not good. Although when the weather changes, the lighting effects reveal the shortcomings of low-cost production, but it cannot be denied that the screenwriter and director are simply geniuses. I've seen a lot of borrowing from natural phenomena to moderate and arrive at a kind of "I'm this - that's it - that's it - it's the end of it" ending. For example, "Thunderstorm", Cao Yu's, not A Ostrovsky's. But I can only use good, can not use wonderful to describe. Only here, it is really wonderful!

[It cannot be denied that the sense of picture of the movie has also made a huge effect. 】

A bridesmaid pun "Did you feel it?"

Well, I felt it, felt the turn, but didn't expect when he said "but the thing is, without words, I have nothing." Then it rained, so The bride ran away without a response at all. When everyone left the table, only the two of them smiled at each other in the rain. [The grievances are gone, there are woods and woods]
I don't feel procrastination at all, I don't feel perfunctory at all! There is even a very pleasant feeling.

Gu Long said, [probably the meaning, I can't remember the original sentence], sometimes you think that the plot has only reached its climax, but he ends it, but in fact, it is because the story has already been told, and everything has been said, no More room for development. All in all, that's it. Whether you think it should be more or not, but the conditions given are out, and the story ends here.
Gulong's original sentence is more concise and deeper than mine, so I'll change it when I turn to the original sentence another day.

Also, the interlude is so good. Especially like Lily Allen singing ballads~~ Hehe, more like an indie band in New York, I forgot the name, anyway, just a girl and her friends don't use professional instruments.

In short. I like movies.

It's 1:30, and I have to get up early tomorrow to go to school and listen to the story of the bird country told by the foreign teacher.
2011/4/28 Wu test.

Ps, why don't you go to bed in the middle of the night to write a movie review! ! ! ! !

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Extended Reading

The Romantics quotes

  • Laura Rosen: He cheated on you.

    Lila Hayes: No. You did.