A masterpiece that subverts conventional consciousness and broadens horizons

Kieran 2022-09-08 22:55:06

The beginning of the film feels a little conspiracy theory, but if it is closed and deleted at this point, the audience is likely to have no idea what he is missing. Like the first and second films of Zeitgeist, this documentary is still unmissable, extremely precious, and a film that subverts common sense.

Regardless of whether it is correct or not, the viewpoints it expounds are very different from the consciousness of ordinary people. This alone can lead to in-depth thinking. It is not easy for a film to do this. The content expressed by the spirit of the times is not only more than that, but also goes further. Ordinary people's thinking can never reach that level.

The film first studies the source of people's violent tendencies. Although I have long known that the environment will have a huge impact on people, the message conveyed by this film is still shocking. The influence of the environment on people is much greater than I thought before. It is not an exaggeration to say that the role of the environment is decisive.

A gene can be compared to a seed, it has many tendencies, and how it develops depends entirely on external environmental stimuli. People can show mildness or violence, which kind of tendency they show, and what kind of character they form in adulthood, depends largely on the external environment, especially the experience of the same year, and of course the period before birth.

The external environment can activate the predisposition of genes. If mothers are stressed during pregnancy, their children are more likely to become violent and drug-addicted as adults; if mothers suffer from starvation during this period, their children are more likely to have high blood pressure in adulthood (because Excessive absorption of sugar). Human brain development is also influenced by the environment after birth, not innately determined. Children who spend more time with their parents are smarter and perform better in other areas. Conversely, if a child is placed in a petri dish after birth, he may die, even with all the nutrition, simply because he has not been in contact with others.

Childhood experiences can have a major impact on people. People who have been abused in childhood will still feel that the world is not safe when they grow up. They don’t trust anyone. Others care about him and he will not change him. He will show very indifference attitude, and an attitude of complete distrust of others.

Violence is not an innate quality, but is formed in the process of human growth. Even people who show violent tendencies at a young age have learned violent behavior. Some people are reluctant to engage in violent conflict, even when forced to do so, and would rather go to jail than join the military. People who just joined the military are reluctant to kill, and some people still don't want to kill (prefer to be killed) even when he's going to be shot if he doesn't shoot. Therefore, the army always conducts simulation training, so that soldiers form a conditioned reflex similar to instinct, and kill the enemy when they see it. But even so, the psychological trauma of murder still cannot be eliminated.

The film also tells us that the so-called economic growth is a complete scam, because economic growth is impossible, and the reason for more and more wealth is very simple, because the entire economic development is based on the Ponzi scheme. The value of financial derivatives is ten times the global G`D`P, so it can only be a huge bubble.

The gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger, because people's greed will not stop, they just want to keep getting more, and they don't care about the poverty of the third world people at all. The World Bank is only an institution for a few rich people.

In any society, the ideology of the society serves those in power without distinction. Ordinary people know that people in power are better off than they are, but they can't do anything about it, they can only choose from them, because the structural system is there, and they've obviously been brainwashed to accept that.

The efficiency of the current society is very low (there is a good explanation in the film), the film provides a large section of content to explain how to build an ideal society, people have already mastered that technology, but no one will really practice it It, because people don't want reform, the current society is happy with the rich, not because they live very well, but because they are privileged. They would rather be privileged in a bad society than be treated as an equal in a better society. Violence and poverty are caused by inequality.

By 2030, there will be 7 billion people in the world, and due to the development of technology, 75% of the work of the labor force will be replaced by machines, because machines do not need to eat, drink, wages and pension insurance, and can work 24 hours a day, more efficient, Almost never make mistakes. People will eventually have to turn to services, but it is clear that most of them will lose their jobs.

... 5,000 words are omitted here, because I can't use effective language to express all the content in the film in a concise way. It is strongly recommended to watch this film directly.

For a 160-minute film, it contains too much information, so I had to pause several times during the viewing process, and it took more than 3 hours to finish it.

Finally, I don't want to say much about whether the film's point of view is correct, because even the most authoritative experts can't predict what the world will look like in 10 years, and they can be ridiculously wrong. This movie just offers a possibility. Therefore, right or wrong is less important, but the possibility is very valuable.


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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward quotes

  • Michael Ruppert: The world is now using 6 barrels of oil for every barrel it finds. 5 years ago it was using 4 barrels for every barrel it found. A year from now it's going to be using 8 barrels for every barrel it finds.

  • Jacque Fresco: I later calculated that all the destruction and wasted resources spent on WWII could have easily provided for every human need on the planet. Since that time I've watched humanity set the stage for it's own extinction. I've watched as the precious finite resources are perpetually wasted and destroyed in the name of profit and 'free' markets. I've watched the social values of society be reduced into a base artificiality of materialism and mindless consumption, and I have watched as the monetary powers control the political structure of supposedly free societies. - I'm 94 years old now, and I'm afraid my disposition is the same as it was 75 years ago: This $hit's got to go!