The records of the times and the excellent embodiment of light and shadow skills

Damon 2022-03-14 08:01:02

Classic rock music documentary, composed of the famous band The Band's farewell performance in 1976, and the interview of the band members (directed by Martin Scorsese), which is not only a record of the times, but also an excellent embodiment of light and shadow skills. . If you like rock music, you will surely find extraordinary interest in the legendary performances of The Band, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison, Emmylou Harris and so on.

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The Last Waltz quotes

  • Richard Manuel - Piano: [describing how The Band got its name] Well, we were The Hawks.

    Robbie Robertson - Guitar: And everything was fine, we were sailing along, and all of a sudden, one day The Hawks meant something else altogether.

    Richard Manuel - Piano: And it was right in the middle of that whole psychedelia. Chocolate Subway, Marshmallow Overcoat. Those kind of names, you know?

    Robbie Robertson - Guitar: When we were working with Bob Dylan and we moved to Woodstock, everybody referred to us as the band. He called us the band, our friends called us the band, our neighbors called us the band.

    Richard Manuel - Piano: We started out with The Crackers. We tried to call ourselves The Honkies. Everybody kind of backed off from that. It was too straight. So we decided just to call ourselves The Band.

  • Levon Helm - Drums: New York, it was an adult portion. It was an adult dose. So it took a couple of trips to get into it. You just go in the first time and you get your ass kicked and you take off. As soon as it heals up, you come back and you try it again. Eventually, you fall right in love with it.