The lust for teasing is ready to come out

Dakota 2022-12-27 20:26:17

Ham ham is a metaphorical expression, which is literally translated by more Chinese viewers as a husband and wife. Enough pornography and colloquialism to stimulate the taste buds.
For Spanish men, "Bullfighting and having sex are the two happiest things". It's as essential as hiccups and farts in Bigas Luna's films.
Unlike color master Almodóvar, Bigas Luna's films present another kind of Spanish beauty. The men in his images have a rough and restless hard quality. Bigas Luna's films Crazy about the wild release. Thus, it is not uncommon for us to see sex scenes in the wild in Luna's images. A lizard crawling out of the empty eyes of a discarded doll; a black puppy foraging for food on a platter left behind after a banquet; or a suckling pig that was knocked away by a motorcycle. The background against these details presents a desolation of Spain, like a wasteland in human nature that needs to quench its thirst. And the fly crawling between Sylvia's fingers, like a distant and sad Spanish spell. At this moment, Sylvia's body seemed to have turned into a cracked wasteland, which was the loneliness and desolation that longed for the nourishment of men. Jose Luis's house is known locally as the "Kingdom of Underpants". The erection of this peripheral space is like a huge gilded sign on the side of the road, showing a completely externalized Spanish lust. Those men's underwear labeled "Conqueror", wrapped in ham that can't hide the eroticism, highlighted the Spanish flesh red lining thoroughly.
Because Sylvia was pregnant with Jose Luis' child, the two decided to get married. However, Sylvia's mother's prostitute status was criticized by Luis's mother Rigata.
Manuel (Luis' father), who once had an affair with Sylvia's mother, responded to his wife Rigata's accusation by saying, "All women have a prostitute side." In my opinion, this is also Bigas • Luna's most powerful words through the mouth of Manuel. At this moment, the mother Rigata's faint love for her son Louis is also faintly revealed, or, this is in line with the father Manuel's words, "All women have a prostitute side."
Mother Rigata entrusted Raul, a young man in the town, to deal with Sylvia in order to end Sylvia's relationship with her son Louis. So, Raul, directed at the temptation of money, began to "grab and snatch" Sylvia in order to break the indestructible love between Sylvia and Louis. Everything began to change quietly, Sylvia's heart seemed to be imprisoned ruthlessly by a shackle, and her several refusals cast an ominous shadow on the love that was once sweet as honey. Louis' mother Rigata finally instinctively showed the "prostitute" side, she couldn't help kissing Raul, and then went to bed with Raul. This sexual spree allowed Raul to win a dashing Yamaha 600 heavy-duty motorcycle. Wild sex and sensuality, is this the curse of Spain, or is Bigas Luna's machismo at work? After all, Luna is different from Almodovar. Almodovar habitually aimed the beautiful pointer at Spanish women, but gave most of its male protagonists ugly and incestuous names; while in Bigas Lu Here, men and women tend to desire together, and even children have a thirst for sucking big breasts. Thus, both good and evil are overwhelmed by the love fluid that fills the camera. When all desires were exposed, Luis' rage turned into a dangerous hammer, he climbed up the high Spanish bullfight sculpture, and slammed down the iron udder of the fake bull with his fist. The destructive metaphor of this action is obvious, that is, it means that Louis and Sylvia's breasts are completely broken. As a result, the once seemingly indestructible love slipped quietly, and the Spanish wind pierced through the haze of love. Near the end, his father Manuel also couldn't help kissing Sylvia who came to ask for help, and the black tone of the film finally emerged thoroughly. Or, Manuel saw the shadow of her mother in Sylvia, or as she really said, "all women have a prostitute side", even if the woman in front of her is likely to be his son's future wife. In this segment, Sylvia's ambiguous catering is equally incredible, and the fly that appears in the air is like a real joke outside of a nightmare. Therefore, this is destined to be a chaotic game, it is no longer about ethics, but only about the sinking of the body and the despair of sex.
Looking at Raul, who runs a ham workshop, isn't he a ham that is slaughtered by others? Behind the vanity created by that glittering Yamaha motorcycle, what kind of useless soft meal has he eaten? As a result, "ham" has become synonymous with "Raul", which is not only the shape of the externalized genitals, but also the inner distortion of its strong outer and inner core. Yes, the human heart's predicament is like a piece of ham on a low fire. Therefore, all love is limited to endless sexual desire, which is the dark light of a bottomless pit. The intercourse of the flesh that penetrates dawn and dusk is like a spell of bow and arrow. A group of people are thrown into hopeless chaos.
Bigas Luna, who was so "sex first", suddenly burst into a sad side, and those flames that were quenched by tears and blood began to flow uncontrollably like water. Water and fire are hard to tolerate, but they are destined to be dragged together. The scene of Louis and Raul fighting each other with hams was as tragic as the hoarse wind. The shadow of Spain swayed in the thick bloody smell, and the misty smoke began to fill with a sad tone under the blood-red sunset. Those souls who were trying to be redeemed began to weep. The murmur of a baby's cry came from the clouds, the ox cart was driving away, the wind was dissipating, life was dying, and desire was eternal and unending. It is a tragedy in human nature that even death can't resist.
The fire of desire and the water of reality, the pervading sand and the blood of love fighting are intertwined. Apart from the image of dust returning to dust, desire has never stopped.

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