Can't help but remember those lovely sunshine

Ilene 2022-03-20 08:01:45

Today, when American dramas are overwhelming, it is not easy to have a fresh British drama that makes people fall in love with it. HUSTLE is such a British drama that I can watch all night for a week at the age of 30.

Although there are still some shadows of American dramas in the filming and narration, the lovely British accent and familiar street scenes remind me of those lovely sunshine. The first three seasons went all in one go and made me think that these 5 people were actors just for this drama to be together. After the change in the fourth season, I was a little unhappy, but I still insisted on watching it.

Although they are professional liars, the warmth between them is better than that of family members. Compared with too many unhappy families, they can't help but sigh and lament the cruelty of reality. In the cold season, it can bring you some laughter and warmth.

Highly recommended, but don't forget to set your expectations low for everything.

PS. My colleague recently bought a book about Lao Qian in China. When I saw it, it was all copied from this drama, but the scenes were changed to Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. . . . In addition to being struck by this book, I still admire the ubiquity of cottages.

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Hustle quotes

  • Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: Albert, what the hell were you doing in a church today?

    Albert Stroller: Gil Stewart died this afternoon. I was there at the end.

    Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: Oh God, I'm so sorry Albert. You two were like brothers.

    Albert Stroller: We worked Vegas together. That man was made for bright lights. Poor bastard - died of a stroke in a dental surgery.

    Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: Well, someone should sue them.

    Albert Stroller: Aye, he was pretending to be the dentist.

  • Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: [repeated line, by various characters] You can't con an honest man.

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