Ahhh too slow symbol

Pearl 2022-06-19 23:26:00

1. Grandma/Mother/Daughter

1. A blue calm grandma, who draws eerie pictures and explains her life experiences in a sophisticated and abstract way.
2. Yellow mother, light yellow and identified yellow, enjoy food and furniture.
3. The red-pink girl, a bottle of ketchup that was knocked over on her chest made her panic. The pink color continued to thicken with the film, and finally the newborn's red blood forced her to tears.

Strange and exciting: three women of three stages live in the same way women of the same age in a story that describes a dream in a communal apartment with a blue pool. The mysterious grandma finally gave birth to a dead baby, the dream came to an end, the last two empty chairs in the film, it seems that the mother and daughter are going to send the grandma away.

The whole film constantly changes the colors of these three women with long-term overlapping waves, coupled with the scattered sound beats with almost no leading motive, showing the reality of dreams and the only way for women to pass. The director of Aya Too Slow tried his best to render the mystery of the blue grandma in the film. The pictures without language explanation are slanted and squinted under grandma's pen, and all the pictures are in public places, and even the decoration on a wall is from grandma's pen. , does grandma want everyone to see her heart? ! The content of the picture is so evil!

2. The mother/daughter The
mother and daughter are quietly changing their identities. The amnesia caused by the daughter's suicide completely reversed the roles of the two, and after the reversal, we also saw the daughter take off pink for the first time and put on Wearing bright red clothes, the plot changed from the slow rhythm before to the subsequent climaxes, and my mother became a weakling.

3. The only obvious positive communication between grandma/mom
and mother was the scene in the hospital after the daughter committed suicide. Grandma's face became two grandmas due to the reflection of the mirror, and mother also reflected the two grandmothers in the mirror. head. Even so, grandma and mother just completed the similarity and consistency of the composition of the shots, and there was no direct dialogue and eye-exchange. But for the daughter's suicide, the results of their expressions were the same.

Fourth, the only man
This man is the husband of the grandmother, the first lover of the mother, and the second lover of the daughter.

5. Pink/cool yellow/light blue
"——": become.
1. Pink-red
2, cold yellow-yellow
3, light blue-blue

six, and dream
three women of similar age became such a relationship in the last scene of the film. The dream is a pretense. In the film, does this structure mean that the process of a woman's understanding of the world is red-yellow-blue?

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Three Women quotes

  • Pinky Rose: You're the most perfect person I've met.

    Millie Lammoreaux: Gee. Thanks.

  • Pinky Rose: What is this place? *Disneyland*?

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