You can both see and see

Marge 2022-03-19 08:01:02

Sadness flows like river.

Hope always gives you warmth.

Many people ask me, why do you feel so much?

Many people ask me, why can you be moved by movies that seem boring, bland, rough, and boring?

I said: Because I dare to face my heart; because I am not afraid to face my weaknesses.

God created such a delicate mind, not for jealousy, suspicion, resentment, complaining, but for moving, loving, cherishing, and warming.

What color is heaven?

It is the color of the wind, the color of trees, the color of flowers, the chirping of birds in the forest, the feeling of purple alfalfa rubbing hands when crossing the field, and the kind and innocent innocence.

Many times, because of people's ignorance, stubbornness, and self-righteousness, their views and feelings about many things in the world are distorted. The pure emotional collision is clothed with politics and the secular, which is not so pure and shocking. Preconceived notions are the natural enemy of emotion. It ruthlessly kills the communication of the soul and closes the gate of the soul by mistake.

The Iranian movie "The Color of Heaven" will tell you that the human emotional world is interlinked. As long as you experience it carefully, you will definitely be intoxicated and resonate greatly.

Delicacy, sincerity, simplicity, and timelessness are the greatest feelings that "Colors of Heaven" gave me. Minimalist realistic photography style, real and simple emotions, like clear tea, you can't notice it when you enter it, but you can't leave it when you remember it. I will always insist that only the most real and pure can be the most moving and ecstasy.

There are no gorgeous stunts, no dazzling costumes, some are just the human world that happens around you and is staged every day. When watching this movie, I kept holding back my tears. At those moments when they were about to burst into my eyes, there were some warmth and some smiles, which relieved me and let me know that the world can be so beautiful, so simple, just need to change Take a look at it or feel its angle.

How should we experience the world?

The most plain stories bring out the deepest emotions.

Blind boy Moman, a child who lives in the dark, has happiness and kindness that I have never seen before. I was blown away by the way he perceives the world. In the film, Moman heard the bird fall from the tree among the dead leaves, and with his hands, he put the bird back into the bird's nest; on the way home, when everyone was drowsy, he Put his hands out of the car window and feel the flow of the wind; when he and his father were resting by the creek, he dipped his hands in the water and felt the flow; when he returned to his grandmother's house, in the fields, he touched his hands again Purple clover, a small tree planted last year. In these many perceptions, Merman will show an angelic smile. To us normal people, how ordinary and boring these are, but in Murman's mind, this is what heaven looks like, and this is a collection of all good things.

When we have clear ears and clear eyes and healthy facial features, we have never felt the beautiful world around us like this. We are busy, we are indifferent, we are impetuous, and we never stop for even a little while to see such a colorful and colorful world, and listen to this pure and ethereal voice. The world is an empty concept in our senses, rather than full of spirituality and rich living entities.

Murman is in heaven, but his father really lives in reality. Heaven is beautiful and happy, but reality is cruel and ruthless. The father wants to marry the woman he loves, and Merman is a hindrance and a drag. A disabled life, although close relatives, has become a drag on the father's pursuit of happiness. Father sent Moman to the blind carpenter, bearing too much helplessness and full of heartache. If you want to get your own happiness, you must pay a certain price. My father made the hardest choice, and why don't we do this? At the fork in the road in life, facing various difficulties, we must choose a path. The choice itself is not wrong. The key is that we must be guided by our hearts. Only in this way can we go forward on the road. regret.

Grandma's love, deep and restrained.

Love is speechless.

When her father sent Moman away, grandma came back from the market and saw that Moman was no longer there, and her old eyes showed infinite reluctance. The gloomy sky and the feathers flying up and down deepen the impermanence and uncertainty of life. In the movie, Murman likes to blow feathers into the sky, which is very symbolic. Life is so fragile, like a feather that Morman throws into the sky, no matter how hard he tries to get close to heaven, it always falls to the ground and returns to dust under the pressure of reality.

Grandma wants to find Moman no matter what. In the movie, grandma put a small fish that rolled in the quagmire back into the pond, which also implies that grandma's selfless and great love, no matter how humble life, came to this world , has its value and right to survive, and no one can deprive it. The grandmother's sublime contrasts sharply with the real cruelty of the father, which makes a good preparation for the return of the father's soul at the end.

Where the heart is, there is heaven. The death of his grandmother was a great blow to his father, and the divorce of his beloved woman forced him to torture his own soul to the point where he had no choice but to send the arrow on the string. Father picks Murman home, and on the bridge, all the conflict breaks out. When his father watched Murman helpless on the broken bridge, and his frailty was swept away by the rushing water, the heavy pressure of his heart finally made him return to his own nature, which came from a father's most original fatherly love, which made him Made a heartfelt choice. The father and son both fell into the river, and the camera closely followed the father. I was worried about my father who was ups and downs, and even more worried about the condition of Murman, but there was no clue of Murman at all. When I saw my father sacrifice his life to save Murman, he treated him the same as before. Murman's ruthlessness creates a contradictory complex. Knowing that Murman is ill-fated, but still holding on to a glimmer of hope, at this time the film exerted incomparable tension and affected my emotions.

In the last shot, Murman's hand gradually glowed, as if he had received the guidance of heaven. At this moment, his father's soul was redeemed. I deeply understood the director's humanistic care.

"Colors of Heaven" director Maki Majidi said: ""Colors of Heaven" is a story about blind children discovering nature and all things in the world." At the beginning of the film, there is a line: "You can see and see Not seen." This is an accurate description of the blind boy Murman, and it is also a great irony for those of us who are able-bodied. I see it as a reminder and warning, so that I don't forget the relationship between myself and people and things in the world, and don't forget that a sincere and kind heart is heaven.

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.