Certainly not in China

Destin 2022-03-24 08:01:04

I still admire the pragmatism of the Americans, and I see that the Americans are indeed open to the United States because of their multi-party governance, freedom of opinion, and enthusiasm for pursuing their own beliefs, but it is not so-called without rules. I want to harm the interests of the ruler At that time, it is basically impossible to open up. This film realistically depicts a group of people who protest against the inequality of the WTO and do not care about developing and poor countries. I believe that if there is such a film in China, it will definitely be dealt with, and the situation in China is even worse. ! ! !

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Battle in Seattle quotes

  • Django: Teamsters and turtles together! Come on, Teamsters and turtles together!

  • Jay: I don't blame you. I mean, I do, but... Shit, you're not the problem. You're just doing your job, i guess. The people I'm really trying to fight are the ones who destroy so much, and they hurt so many lives. Not just one. Literally, millions. And no one ever points a gun at them. You know, they just seem so, unaccountable. Untouchable. Just seems kind of fucked that you're... You and me are the ones that have to fight each other.