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Crazy people say they are not crazy, drunk people say they are not drunk.
Mallory 2022-09-10 17:14:05
Lewis Denton: What do you have here?
Clark: [whimper] it's Ken... napping.
Lewis Denton: He looks dead.
Anna: He is.
Lewis Denton: I see. Who did this?
Anna: I did. I didn't want to!
Lewis Denton: You killed him?
Anna: Well, Clark killed somebody too!
Clark: I did no- I did... but it was self-defense!
[cut to Clark's apartment with the three looking down at Rod's dead body]
Anna: You chopped his head off!
Lewis Denton: He had it coming... probably. These are wild times.
Anna: [doorbell rings] Party guests!
Clark: Act natural.
[Anna and Lewis line up behind Clark at the door with weapons ready]
Janice: You gotta help me! My mom is trying to kill me and so I ran over her in the car and my dad was in the house and he made the dog die because he tried to bite me and I left in the car and I didn't know where to go and I remembered that Anna and Ken lived here and I'm Laura.
Anna: Laura!
Janice: Anna!
[Laura pushes her way into the apartment past Clark]
Clark: [Lewis smacks Laura in the head with the pesticide can, knocking her down] What the Fuck?
[Lewis continues to beat Laura to death]
Anna: You killed Laura!
Lewis Denton: She was coming at you!
Anna: Stay away from me! You killed Laura!
Lewis Denton: She was heading straight for you with that knife!
Anna: She doesn't have a knife!
Clark: That's a keychain...