desert of love

Edmund 2022-03-17 08:01:01

Death does not take away our loved ones, on the contrary, it keeps them, keeps them lovely forever, death is like the salt in our love, and life dissolves love.

Potter and Katie came to North Africa as a pair of ordinary tourists with unrelated people. They insisted on calling themselves travelers, not tourists, the only difference being that they never thought of leaving.
The sky here is very strange. It seems that there are countless secrets hidden in the depths of the clouds. They are full of chest tightness and blame each other. The hidden parts of their feelings flashed one by one. It's a good place to live here.
Travel provides a breeding ground for all imaginings. Indiscriminate love, sincere love, and long-term love are all derivatives of loneliness. The scenery that one person sees is always gone before the other person wakes up. Potter is fascinated by exotic women, and Katie gets together with fellow traveller Tyner, the veiled North African young man who is deeply infatuated with Katie.
When you look at the mountains and lakes, you can't see a trace of vagueness. Potter was still with Kate, the only acknowledgment on the bumpy journey. They made love in the middle of the desert, dry lips and tongues rubbed reluctantly, Katie looked at the endless sky and cried, this is her man, the beauty she can't grasp forever.
We are all afraid of loving too deeply and losing our minds. Potter let go of his arms, and they continued on in a daze, not afraid of mosquitoes and reluctant to part for a moment.
They passed the fairs and caravans, were generous with loans for no reason, and benevolent with the longings of others. This is a rare joy in the journey. The drums and shouts rise from the soul. They laugh as if the end is coming, the day is beginning to fall, the sky is full of light, and the joy is not in the end.
So when Porter got malaria, Katie couldn't recover for a while. Time has woven a thick weft in their hearts, blood oozes from the depths of the sky, her man is now curled up in the French army station with a fever, and sprinkles a lot of francs to let the locals play the brass music louder, He can't hear, so louder.
After Potter died, this relationship was sealed in a jar, not lacking in salt, but more intact. Katie continued the journey on the back of the camel, her face vicissitudes, she washed her face with sand, washed her clothes, and forgot where she was going.
They walked away after all, just like those travelers who are afraid of revealing their true feelings, they have a premonition of some kind of nostalgic factor in others. Potter and Katie can only love others as winners. Their journey, There is peace and arrogance, and there are dreams and death.

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The Sheltering Sky quotes

  • Kit Moresby: I hate choices.

  • Tunner: Do you think Port suspects of something?

    Kit Moresby: I think he knows. But he doesn't know that he knows.